Brutal Days

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The more I look up to the sky.
The more I just wonder why?
Why did you leave me? Why am I alone?
You didn't even bother picking up the phone!
I dialed your number about a million times.
You didn't answer once you left me there to die!
I know I made you mad. I know I made you cry.
that's no reason just to leave me there to die.

So I'm sitting in this hole of despair.
I'm gasping for air hoping you'd be there.
it's no use I made a mistake.
A mistake I will regret for the rest of my days.
So I sat there for days thinking about my asinine mistake.
A mistake that gave me tremendous heartbreak as that was our day.
I was going to propose to you, and say I love you more then anything.
Instead I messed up, and now I'm nothing lying in this pouring rain.
Rain that pours down like sharp needles that cause me excruciating pain.
It's something I can't explain it pinches, claws, kills, destroys you.
I feel alone, distraught, and I don't know what to do.

So I went on walk and got to really learn who I was.
I then began to think is their really someone up above?
I remember learning about God as a kid.
But as a kid God would never stick.
I always thought simple ideas like why can't he help me in my suffering?
I didn't believe in the fairy tales, and that God was really coming.
If he is coming then why all the suffering?
To be honest I don't know why God came to my mind.
Maybe I'm going crazy, or God is real and this is something divine.
I just lost my future wife, and what really matters in my life.
I just need to go home, get my stuff and I'll be alright.

So I went home, and got my stuff.
Leaving was very tough but it was a must.
But right before I left I saw her on the porch.
She was sobbing, and praying to God for me to emerge.
That's when I came out, and tears emerged from my face full of happiness.
The tears came rushing down like a waterfall full of bliss.

I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes, and told her I'm sorry to have hurt you that wasn't right.
But beautiful would you like to marry me tonight.
She said yes, and that's the day I found out that God is light.
He brought that struggle so I could find him and be saved.
I'm so grateful to now have two best friends that'll help me in every way.
That's how God saved me. Maybe he can save you today.

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