
18 4 0

Fame is what a lot of people strive for.
It's a pipe dream for those who are poor,
but is fame all that it seems, or is it just that.... a pipe dream?

Sure, fame has its allure.
It gives us a name and a chance to be something more.
It gives us a voice when before we wouldn't have one.
Fame gives some hope when we have none,
but in all actuality what has fame done?

It's turned people into narcissist who only care about themselves.
It's as if they are like a ghost conjuring into something else.
The person before cared for the ones in need.
Now they only care about blockbusters and their own selfish greed.

Lifeless, alone is what these people feel.
As the sin of greed turns their hearts into steel.
Steel that tarnishes a heart that now can't feel.
"Why can't I have my life back" these people squeal.

So fame is a pipe dream that robs our ability to feel.
It makes us numb to suffering as things around us will appeal.
Women, money can rob a persons heart.
Don't let vanity stricken fame tear that apart.

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