Key to Life

178 48 14

Life is a weird thing.

It's good one second, but before you know it you can feel so much pain.

Life can be your biggest fan.

Then again, it usually breaks you down and puts you in a trash can.

Life can be what keeps you going.

It also is what can make you stumble,

and boy life really wants you to tumble.

But, what if life really is telling us something?

Then again what if it's telling us nothing?

That's for you to decide, but I'm going to say life is ok.

Sure it has stuff that makes us go nay.

But it also has people that can make you go hooray,

and tell you to stop feeling down and just partay.

God has a plan for you in life.

His love is sharper then a knife.

Life has it's purpose,

and that purpose is all the people around me.

I now know the key

to all that life has to offer for he, she, everybody.

That answer is me.

For God is life, and God is in me, and God is the key for everything.

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