Love Shouldn't Judge

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Have you ever heard of don't judge a book by it's cover?
Then why do we judge when there's so much left to uncover?
You judge a person based on their looks.
You don't bother opening the dang book!
Your criteria is if you're hot you deserve a shot, and if you're not get lost.
It's unwise to look at people that way.
You play right into their game.
Some play you for money, and some play you because they think it's funny.
They think it's funny when you can fall for their beauty.
When deep down inside they are so dark, and so dirty.
They don't really want to fall in love.
They only want sex, and drugs.
They want to leave you feeling like a failure.
Make you feel like you messed it up, and make you feel like the traitor.
When that's not true.
They never loved you. They never cared about you!
They only wanted to destroy you.
Seek, kill, and destroy is what these Jezebel spirited people do.
So try to be careful, and don't judge a book by its cover.
Sometimes when you open it up you find something so beautiful that just leaves your eyes covered.
You find a beautiful person through all of their freckles, and bruises.
Someone who will never leave you to be wounded.
They may not look all that fine.
But they will love you, and you will say I'm so glad you're mine.

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