Chapter 43

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Within a week later, I had spent time with Jack and Corbyn, then Jonah, and of course Daniel. But not once, not once has he at all mentioned that word that slipped out of his mouth when he was intoxicated last weekend. I didn't expect him to, because with the amount he drunk, it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't remember murdering someone. So yes, I don't expect him to; a part of me wants him to.

"Do you feel like taking a self-defence class today?" Daniel asks seconds after I've opened my front door, his elbow casually leaning against the door frame, his words taking me aback.

Instantly, my eyebrows knit together. "Erm... why, may I ask?"

"I haven't done anything intense for a while, I've only been letting off some steam at the gym." He shrugs. "I just thought I'd do something a bit more intimate today."

"Intimate?" I raise a brow. "Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I really feel like fighting today. And I really feel like spending the day with you." His head cocked to the side, he smirks. "Why not both?"

I have to use all of my willpower to fight back one of those helpless smiles. "I don't know, to be honest. I kind of planned a day full of sitting on the couch and eating Doritos."

He raises a brow, "Seriously? Come on, I've barely seen you this week. Apart from school, you've been so busy with other people, like..."

I finish his sentence off for him, "Like Jonah?" He nods. "And Jack. And Corbyn. I'm not only investing my time in Jonah, they're all my friends," I say.

"Okay," he nods after a moment of contemplating with furrowed brows. "Well putting that aside, do you want to spend the day lazing around by yourself, or spend the day doing something physical with me?" he asks, his mood surprisingly bright, blue eyes twinkling.

"What do you mean by something physical...?" I raise another brow, tilting my head.

"Oh, come on, you know I didn't mean that," he chuckles softly, before forcing a serious expression on his face. "But I mean, if that's what it takes to convince you," he begins, putting his hand on my waist to pull me towards his body. "I'm pretty certain I can arrange that." His breath hits my lips, his gaze on my mouth. But I know he's only teasing me, especially when I see his lip twitch slightly.

Even when he's messing, he still manages to get me heated. Damn you, Seavey.

"When I asked what you meant about something physical, I was thinking about punching your face multiple times. So if that's the offer," I respond, before patting his chest with a smile of sarcasm. "I'm completely up for it."

His mouth melts into a smile, "If it means you'll come with me, then fair enough."

Laughing lightly, I shake my head.

"Just give me five minutes to get changed and I'll be out."

"Okay," he smiles. "Don't be too long."

After having changed into a sports bra, grey sweatpants and a grey zip hoodie, Daniel and I make our way to the private gym he's only taken me to once.

When we enter, he guides me to the back of the room where the punching bags hang - where I first found him the first time I came here, with his sports vest, and his bulging biceps, and his sweaty body, and... I'm going off topic.

"You wanna warm up a bit first?" Daniel asks as he sets his water bottle down, nodding his head at the punching bag.

"Yeah, sure," I shrug. "But why this time? Last time we went straight into it."

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