Chapter 11

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His blue eyes. I could stare into them forever. A few seconds of just looking into them can feel like an eternity. I can't simply decipher what it is about them that makes me feel this way, of course a large factor of it is their colour - their possessive, piercing, demanding shade of blue, but if you put that aside, there's so much more to them. They tell a story. As if with each and every glance, you experience a different emotion. Like they're dragging you into a whole different universe, separating you from the real world. And I never want to be taken back. I want to stay with them forever, stay with him forever.

How will I know what shade they are going to be today? I don't. I don't know if they will be the baby blue, the soft pair that makes me feel at ease in his presence, the rare shade, or will they be the common shade, the icy, freezing, frightening pair that makes me feel and empathise with his own emotions - the ones that perfectly reflect his cold personality.

But the worst part of it all is that I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I haven't even admitted it to myself. And right now, I know that I'm dreaming, dreaming about looking into those eyes, and knowing that I want to remain here, instead of waking up to the reality of what he really is. A cold, malicious, ungentlemanly person - the total opposite of what I want. I want a soft, gentle, thoughtful person that I know will take care of me, traits that I know will never run in his blood. But despite that, despite he's nothing of what I want, I still find myself drawn to him. Drawn to his danger. And I know, just know, no matter how hard I try to leave, to walk away, to escape him, I can't. I can't stop staring at those two rings of blue.

As the image in my subconscious zooms into his eyes, my own eyes fly open, waking me and saving me from what I know I didn't want to feel if I got too close. I don't want to feel.

My god, I'm even thinking about his eyes while I'm sleeping, deeply dreaming about them; what has my life resorted to? But I know none of this means anything. Yes, it doesn't mean anything. The only thing I will ever find fascinating about him is his eyes, nothing else. I only dreamt about his eyes, I didn't even see his face, so it doesn't mean anything, right? Tell me I'm right. Nothing interests me about his closed personality, or his troubled aura, or his dangerous mystery. I don't care.

~▪️~▪️~ ━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━ ~▪️~▪️~

As I'm lining up to get my lunch with Corbyn and Jack, I see Daniel standing behind me, instantly causing me to roll my eyes. Just ignore him, Tori.

"What are you doing tonight, Tori?" Jack asks.

"Erm, nothing really, I think I'm free. Why?"

"Me and Corbyn are going to the cinema to see 'The Nun' tonight at seven. Wanna come?"

"Oh my god, yes. I've been wanting to watch that for ages. I'm totally down."

"Yes!" Corbyn says with a little too much enthusiasm. "I thought you would've stayed home to do some homework because you're such a tight ass."

I hear a low snicker behind me, one out of mock and amusement.

"What are you laughing at?" I snap, turning to face him. I have to look up high because his body is so long; I don't like it, it's as if he's looking down on me.

"Oh, nothing," he presses his lips together, "it's just what he said is quite true. Actually... it's spot on."

"And that amuses you because...?" I raise a brow.

"Because it's amusing," he answers flatly, his gaze leaving me as he puts his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "I'm done with this conversation. Turn around."

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