Chapter 21

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A soft, warm pair of golden brown eyes is all I can look at right now, it's all I'm trying to focus on, because I know that if I move my gaze just a few inches down her face, I won't be able to resist myself. If I see her lips, I won't be able to resist myself.

But I need control.

I'm holding her in a very vulnerable position. My hands are pinning down her wrists and all I can feel is skin, god, her soft skin. My body is hovering, no, not hovering, but is pressed so firmly against her own, her own body that seems to be radiating such a warmth, and I can't help but feel something. My face is only inches away from hers - my lips are only inches away from hers.

Right now, I could have her if I wanted to. And god, do I want to. But I know she doesn't want me, and I don't want to force myself on her. I'm not going to do anything until I'm sure she wants me back. I'll make her want me back. But why would a girl like her want me?

Man, this is the first time I've ever doubted a girl's attraction to me. I could literally get any girl I wanted, whether it makes me sound arrogant or not, I don't care, there's no doubt about it. Because I'd know they'd want me too, but something about her makes me feel as if she doesn't want me. There's something about her that makes me think... she's out of my league.

What the fuck, Daniel? How can a girl be out of your league?

What's so different about her that makes me think that I can't get her? I've never wanted something I can't have. What's so damn special about this girl lying underneath my body?

God, my body is hot, my skin is burning. I don't know whether it's from the training, or if it's because of the fact Tori is this close to me, but I feel like the temperature here has risen a thousand degrees.

I'm sure she doesn't think the same. I'm sure she just wants me to get the fuck off of her. I try, but I can't. I can't let myself lose this close contact that I'm so luckily having with her.

I'm trying my goddamned hardest to not act on the ache I'm feeling to place my lips on hers, just to have a little taste, because I don't want to appear as some sex-driven teenage boy who just wants to claim her body. Because I don't. I want to claim her heart.

What the fuck?!

Daniel Seavey doesn't want to claim any girl's heart! I just... I just... I want to see what it would be like... what it would be like to be with a girl who isn't so easy, a girl who doesn't want me like I want her, a girl that I know would fight back.

I'm not saying I like her, I just want to see. I want a challenge.

And man, is she a challenge. Every girl wants me, she doesn't. Every girl is the same, she isn't. Every girl obeys me, she wouldn't. I can't help but find it... attractive... yes, attractive.

I like the way she doesn't beg for my attention, instead, she asks me to leave. I like the way every other girl is just the same old boring thing I'm used to, but she's different. And I like the way she doesn't become intimidated by me; I can be overwhelming and I know it, but she wouldn't be fazed. I could have her up against the wall and I know she wouldn't crumble like any other person would. I could say something so ridiculously cruel to her and instead of getting hurt and bursting into tears, she'd fight back by saying something a hundred times more ruthless.

There's no one else like her, I have to admit it. I know that if I ever did really want her, she'd be running and I'd be chasing. And I won't stop until I get I what I want. She's so impossible, it's ridiculous. For fuck's sake, I even risk my life to save her and she gives me a simple thank you. She's clueless, it's fucking frustrating.

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