Chapter 39

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A few days have passed, and I haven't spoken to Daniel during them, only the odd nod or eye-contact here and there. I'm not aware of why I haven't approached him, he is in the wrong, I know, but I can't stand this distance. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't be away from him. Then again, why hasn't he approached me?

I'm guessing it's his pride.

After grabbing everything out of my locker, I turn on my heel, ready to go to Math, until I see those eyes, those eyes that stare at me from his locker across the corridor. Instantly, my chest tightens and my breathing takes a temporary pause. His hand on the locker, his gaze doesn't remove itself from me for even a second, piercing deeply with some kind of emotion. He's dressed in all-black as always, his hair undone, but even from here, his blue still glows.

Realisation hits me, and I clear my throat, quickly turning away from his gaze to walk forward. After a few steps, something draws me to look again, so I do. The eyes still stare. A strong feeling is radiating off of his expressionless face. Stopping for a moment, my mouth uncontrollably forms a somewhat smile, just a small one, but it's still a smile.

Seemingly surprised, he smiles back.

When I reach my Math class, I take my seat near the front of the room, and sooner or later, I watch Daniel enter the room with his strong presence, sitting down about three seats across from me. We make eye-contact again, but this time, I turn away.

"Tori, Daniel, can you stay behind for a moment please?" Mr Jenkins calls after class has finished, as I'm about to step foot out the door, Daniel behind me. Wondering what the heck this could be, I roll my eyes, turn on my heel, only to come face to face with Daniel.

My breathing falters again.

Ignoring whatever this is I'm feeling, I walk around him, approaching Mr Jenkins' desk. Soon enough, Daniel is beside me.

"What's up?" I ask, a forced smile on my face.

"Nothing," the teacher answers. "I was just wondering if you've been tutoring Daniel recently."

Oh... that.

"Not really, no," I shake my head, trying my best to avoid looking at Daniel. "I totally forgot about it, really. I've had quite a lot... going on."

"Oh, okay. I hope everything's alright." he says with a smile, so I smile back with a nod.

Yeah, just 'boyfriend' troubles, if that's what he even is.

"Is there any chance you could spare a bit of time for a few sessions with Daniel in the next week?" Mr Jenkins glances between the two of us.


"What is this?" I turn to Daniel, finding him stood expressionless. "Did you ask him to do this just so I'll talk to you again or something?"

Daniel's eyebrows furrow deeply.

"Wait, what?" Mr Jenkins says, confused.

"Yeah, I know that he approached you before with the whole idea of tutoring sessions." I glance at Daniel, a hard glare on my face. To make Jonah jealous, that's why you did it. "I'm just wondering if he's doing that again."

After seeing nothing but a scowl on Daniel's face, I turn back to the teacher.

"No, no," Mr Jenkins says. "I'm sorry that I had to lie to you before but Daniel just seemed really embarrassed to approach you himself. I'm sorry, Tori," he smiles, sincerely. "But this is all coming from me. We have a test in two weeks time, one that will be counted for your grade this term. So I just thought... you'd might want to help Daniel, he's kind of lost focus in the past few days."

Blue // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now