Chapter 23

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As it reaches the end of the school day, I exit the building in hope that I can go straight home and rest after all the hard work of receiving a lot of attention today - too much attention - but I know the chances of that are low, almost impossible, when I find Daniel leaning on my car, his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his lips. What does he want? My head hurts, my feet ache, and my body feels incredibly uncomfortable in these clothes. Daniel, let me go home. Rolling my eyes, I continue to make my way over to my car, attempting to saunter with grace as I walk, but the pain in my feet is too much to bear and I must look like I'm dragging my legs across the ground.

 "Hey, Tor." He greets me when I finally reach him, a teasing tone in his voice. "You're not used to wearing heels, are you? You look like you're walking with broken ankles."

I sigh, dismissing his comment. "What do you want?"

"Gee, that's not very welcoming." His tone is mocking at first, but then he folds his arms across his chest and looks at me with a frown on his face, seemingly having had realised I'm not in the mood. He scowls, "What's wrong with you?"

I send him a harsh death glare, but he only raises a brow, expecting an actual answer.

"You know, I've come to the conclusion that I'm never making the effort to look like this again - it just isn't worth it." My voice sounds exhausted as I speak. "I'm tired, and my freakin' feet are killing." Not being able to deal with it anymore, I place my hand on my car and I use it to balance myself as I lean down and take my shoes off, not caring if Daniel sees my bare feet.

His eyes run up and down me, studying me. "Nice toes. And, uhm, are you planning to drive barefoot?" There's a glint of mischief in his eyes, as if he enjoys seeing me so frustrated.

"No, I have some sneakers in my car, actually." I respond, sounding slightly snappy. "Seriously though, what is it? I leave school, hoping that I can drive home with no bother to soak my feet in warm water and get the hell out of these ridiculous clothes, only to find your annoying ass stood next to my car." I smile with sarcasm, "And you wonder why I'm not glowing with ecstasy?"

His eyebrows lift. "Wow, I didn't think I annoyed you to this extent." He pauses for a moment, uncrossing his arms as he glances away from my gaze. He runs a hand through his hair, before his eyes return to lock with mine, and I find that their shade is now steely. "I only came to ask you how many numbers you've managed to get." His voice is monotone and his expression is absent; instantly, a pang of guilt settles in my chest because I was so harsh towards him, and really, for no reason at all. He raises a brow, "How many?"

A part of me thinks that I offended him, but then again it's Daniel. He doesn't get hurt by anyone's silly comments, even mine. But then again, he's only human, and what if his cold personality is only a facade that he forges to keep people out?

I take a breath, softening my voice. "I'm sorry for being so rude. I just feel really worn out, and I didn't mean for you to be on the receiving end of it." I pause to take in his expression, and it has changed. I'm not sure which emotion it is he's displaying, but it isn't as... cold. "And to answer your question, I got sixteen." I bite my lip, anticipating what his answer will be when I ask my question. "What about you?"

"I haven't counted yet." He answers, holding out a handful of little papers. The hardness in his eyes towards me has completely subsided, and he now looks at me with anticipation - the same thing I'm feeling. "Do me the honours?"

I'm about to protest, tell him that his lazy ass can count his own shit, until I realise I'll just be wasting time when all I want is to go home. And it's also because of the guilt that I still feel for being so rude to him earlier. I know that he's Daniel and he can handle a few harsh words, but I don't like being nasty to anyone.

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