Food Poisoning (Cas x Reader)

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Warning: gross descriptions, fluffy as fluff

You woke up to the feeling of nausea taking over you, looking over at your alarm clock it was 2:30 in the morning. Groaning you stood up and stumbled into your bathroom, desperately holding back the vomit you felt coming up. You knew you shouldn't have let Dean dare you into eating that four day old burger, but hey, you got fifty bucks for it. The boys were out on a hunt not far from Lebanon, about four hours south of the bunker to be exact, so you decided to take the option on this one and relax. A sudden lurch in your stomach made you realize you wouldn't be relaxing anytime soon.

"God damn it Y/N, why did you let him talk you into eating that thing?" You groaned, leaning over the sink and splashing cold water on your face.

Dean was always being a pain in your ass, but you loved him like a brother. Him and Sam took you in when you were only a teenager after your parents died at the hands of a vengeful spirit living in your house. They trained you and turned you into a damn good hunter, that was over five years ago, now you were grown up and helped the boys on every hunt. Whether it was helping them gank the SOBs or just researching for them, they were your family now and you loved them very much. However, they weren't your only family, you also had your favorite angel by your side through thick and thin.

Castiel was the one who carried you out of your house after the spirit threw you down your stairs and broke your leg. Ever since you and him had grown very close, he was your best friend. You told him everything and he knew things about you that no one did or ever would, and he kept them secret because he knew how much privacy meant to you. You taught him how to bake sweets and, when he was human, you should him how to do human things. Bathing, eating and sleeping, one of your favorite memories of Cas was when you were teaching him to cuddle;

"But, why do humans do it?" he asked as you laid your head on his chest and wrapped an arm around his stomach.

"Well, there are many different reasons, some do it because they're cold and others do it as a sign of affection," you replied, smiling into his chest. He looked down at you and nodded proceeded to wrap his arms around you, holding you close. You eventually fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart beating.

The memory only temporarily distracted you from your upset stomach, then it lurched again and you found yourself kneeling over the toilet. You hated being sick, you hated puking even more but you could no longer hold it back. The entire contents of your stomach came bursting out of your mouth and into the porcelain bowl. Flushing the contents you felt empty but the feeling still with you, you were sweaty and tears fell into the water filling the bowl. You felt like complete shit, "god I wish the boys were here, this is worse than any hangover in the history of mankind."

You thought of Cas and wished he was here too, he couldn't fix sickness with his angel mojo but just his presents would make you feel better. At least you hoped. Falling back on you knees, you silently prayed for Cas and after a few seconds you heard a familiar whoosh and footsteps approaching your bathroom but stopping just outside of it; "Y/N? I heard your calls, is everything alright?"

"Not exactly Cas-" before you could say anything else you were gagging again but only bile was coming up now.

He burst into the bathroom and watched in horror as yellow fluid came out of your mouth. Once you finished, Cas was kneeling next to you worried painted across his perfect face; "what's wrong Y/N? I have never seen you do this before," he held your face in his warm hands and looked into your tired eyes. "Is it a hex? Possession?"

You managed to laugh, "no Cas, it's food poisoning, but it's just as bad."

"Someone poisoned you?!"

"No, well not exactly, I ate a leftover burger as a dare and I guess it was past being good for consumption."

You leaned over the toilet again coughing but nothing came up, thank chuck because you didn't want to puke again in front of Cas. He set his hand on your back and warmth took over you, you looked up and saw him weakly smiling at you. He stood up and grabbed a scrunchie, tying up your hair so it didn't fall in the water.

"Is there anything I can do Y/N?" He asked rubbing your tense shoulders, you looked up at him, "shouldn't you be with the boys? What if they need you?"

"Then I will help them, but for now I'm not leaving you in this state. Now what can I do to help?"

You smiled and a few tears ran down your cheeks, "thanks Cas, I'm sorry to be a bother."

"No bother, I want you to feel better, because I care about you very much Y/N. And when you are upset or sick, it hurts me because I can't make the pain or sickness go away like I can with broken bones, cuts or bruises."

You slowly stood up, it felt like you were drunk but at the same time hungover, you grabbed the sleeve on Cas's trench coat for stability. Then wrapping your arms around him and he did the same, the warmth of his body coursing through your body; "thank you Cas, for everything you do for me."

He pulled away and kissed your forehead, making you smile. You slowly walked to the sink and rinsed your mouth of the disgusting taste, you weren't as nauseous which was a good thing. He wrapped his arm around your waist and lead you back to your bed, propping you up against the headboard and covering you with your blankets. He left but came back after a few minutes with a bottle of water, some Gravol and a bucket. He set the bucket on the nightstand and gave you the medicine to take, after swallowing and taking a sip of water. He sat beside you when you suddenly shook and gripped the blanket closer to your freezing body.

"Are you cold?" Cas asked, resting a hand on your forehead, "you feel very hot though."

"It's called a fever Cas, you feel cold but inside you're burning up."

You were shaking like crazy now, it felt like you were out in minus forty weather! Even your teeth were chattering, "fuck I hate this so much," you grumbled wrapping the blanket around your head and becoming a very frozen burrito.

Cas looked at you with sympathetic eyes, gently gripping you he laid you down and left the room. Coming back with another blanket and his trench coat was gone, leaving him in a navy blue suit and his crooked tie. He didn't say anything and crawled into bed beside you, cover your bodies in the blanket. He pulled you close, intertwining his legs with yours and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Warm energy radiated from his body and you melted into him, holding one hand to your chest. You felt the Gravol kicking in and began to drift off, "hey Cas?" You asked, a yawn escaping your mouth.

"Yes Y/N?"

"Thank you."

You felt him smile and kiss your neck, humming to you as you drifted off into sleep. Food poisoning sucked but when you have an angel to take care of you, it didn't seem as horrible.

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