Star Gazing (Dean x Reader)

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The night sky was clear and full, the inky blackness of the sky was splattered with the stars shone brighter than you had ever seen them. Every night when you looked up, it seemed as though there were more and more, each one shinning its own beautiful light down on the Earth.  The warm summers day had given way to a cool night with the slightest of a breeze whispering through the country side. You were laying on the ground under an old willow tree just a couple hundred yards from the bunker that you called home and shared with the Winchester brothers. Dean and Sam Winchester, amazing hunters and even more amazing friends, you met them about four years ago on a hunt down in Louisiana where you were hunting a rougarou. The three of you took it down no problem and that was when the boys had offered you to stay with them as you were hunting on your own and had been for a long time. Graciously you accepted and had been by their sides ever since.

Fast forward to the present and you still loved the boys, Sam had become like a brother to you, you researched together all the time and he comforted you whenever you were having a bad day, he always made you laugh and you were grateful for that. Castiel, the fallen angel, was also family to you; you bonded quickly and that was only strengthened when he had fallen. You helped him cope with being human and made him smile when all he wanted to do was run and hide. Now, even though he was no longer human, you still cared deeply for him, he was one of the kindest people you knew and you loved that about him. Even though you loved those two, the eldest Winchester was who you fell for, hard. Ever since that first hunt; his face chiseled with sweat mixing with blood, his crew cut hair messed to a slight spike and his eyes...oh his eyes, they were an unearthly green, bright and, at the same time, cold from pain he had felt in his past. Dean Winchester had stolen your heart and you wouldn't have it any other way, he was everything you wanted in someone, funny, kind, brave and vulnerable. He was your everything, and he was clueless to it.

You smiled up at the sky, watching streaks of light speed across it, wondering if the boys had finally fallen asleep after researching all day for your next hunt. You couldn't sleep and decided to go outside for some air, so you grabbed a couple beers, your blanket and your favorite revolver, of course, and headed outside to your favorite spot under the willow tree. A sudden gust of wind broke you from your thought and had you shaking, you should have brought your leather jacket but you weren't moving now. You simply pulled your plaid shirt tighter around your body and sat up to take a sip of your beer. Just as you put the bottle to your mouth you heard something moving behind you, slowly you set down the beer and reached down to the revolver in your boot. You heard a crunch closer behind you, gripping the handle of the gun you sprang up and held the gun ready to shoot in the direction of the sound.

"Come out you son of a bitch and fight like a man," You shouted into the darkness of the trees in front of you.

"Hey, hey, don't shoot! I'm unarmed, and you wouldn't want to shoot me now would you sweetheart?"

You laughed at the sound of the voice, deep and smooth, you put the safety back on as you slipped the gun back into your boot and watched as Dean emerged from the shadows. His hands were in the air and a grin on his face as he approached you.

"Jesus Dean, I could have shot you! What are you doing out here anyways, I thought you'd be asleep by now," you asked, sitting back down with Dean now leaning against the old willow, looking down at you.

"I couldn't sleep, I went into your room and you weren't there. Figured you would be up here, I know this is your favorite spot to sit."

You felt a slight blush come to your cheeks as you looked away grinning, turning around you laid back down and stared at the sky when Dean moved to stand over you. He smiled down at you and you smiled back, your heart fluttered as he moved beside you and laid down, looking up as well. Another gust of wind made you shiver again, suddenly you felt him staring at you.

"Are you cold? Where's your jacket?" He asked sitting up.

"I forgot it inside and didn't want to move to get it." 

You felt him moving beside you and looking over you saw he was removing his jacket. You sat up; "Dean, what are you doing? I'm fine, the just gave me a chill."

"I don't care, you're cold and you're putting this jacket on. Now turn around."

He held out his jacket and you slid your arms into the over sized sleeves. The sudden smell of gun powder, whiskey and spices hit your nose and you melted into the jacket. He held your shoulders and you felt his breath on your neck and it made you shiver, he laughed; "still cold? I guess I'll just have to hold you to warm you up." 

"Wait what?"

Before you could do anything he wrapped his arms around you and rolled over, you squealed and laughed as he held you tight on top of him. Your head on his chest and a big grin on both of your faces. You looked at him, his eyes shinning just as bright as the stars overhead, you felt the blush come to your cheeks again. He looked deep into your eyes then down at your lips, he licked his bottom lip which sent your heart racing. He set one of his hands on the back of your head and pulled you down to his lips...and sparks flew. You felt a warm wave rush over you as you melted into his kiss, your arms were held close to your chest and he held you with one hand and your head with the other. You both pulled away when air became necessary, out of breath Dean breathed heavily and smiled at you.

"Still cold sweetheart?"

Unable to form words you simple shook your head and smiled at him, laying your head on his chest he ran his hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. He stared up at the sky; "I love you Y/N, more than anything in this cruel world."

You looked into his piercing eyes and gave a soft smile; "I love you too Dean, I always have, and I'm very happy that you love me just as much."

He squeezed you tight before turning you over on your back, he wrapped his legs around yours and held you around your waist. Together you stared up at the night sky and you never felt the chill again for the rest of the night. 

Oh my Chuck!!! This is one of my favorite one-shots I've ever written, I hope you guys enjoy reading just as much as I loved writing it. 

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