Snow Fight (Supernatural x Reader)

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It was a quiet day in the bunker, a massive snow storm blew through town the night before leaving the town at a stand still until it could get cleaned up. Though there was a ton of snow, the temperature was actually quite mild, making it a perfect day to have a snowball fight. You laid in bed reading your favorite book and listening to some Metallica when you heard the impala roar back into the garage. Dean had gone uptown to get some supplies that the bunker was running low on, Sam was somewhere in the bunker probably chatting with Charlie who came the other day before the snow hit. Cas and Gabe were in the library last you saw them but they could be anywhere now. You decided to help Dean with the bags, bookmarking your place in your book and turning off your music, you slipped on one of Sams sweaters and headed to the garage.

You ran to the garage just as Dean opened it, arms full and struggling to keep them from falling. You quickly grabbed two of the three bags and closed the door, "thanks Y/N, I hate making two trips."

"No problem Dean, so how are the roads?"

He laughed, you loved his laugh, "what roads? It's a good thing we have Baby, no rain nor snow nor demon can stop her!"

You smiled and followed him into the kitchen where you found Sam and Charlie having a snack. Plopping down the bags Dean started putting everything away when Cas and Gabe walked in, Gabe was sucking on a jaw breaker while Cas simply shook his head; "You will rot your vessels teeth of you continue to only eat candy Gabriel."

"Hey, I brush my teeth twice daily! Everything is fine. Oh hey Y/N, Samsquatch-"

"I told you not to call me that Gabriel," Sam stated, glaring at the archangel.

"Come on Sammy, lighten up, I think the name suits you." Charlie replied, pushing his shoulder.

You all laughed and looking around at everyone, you smiled. This was your family, they had been for a long time but you guys were always separated and never really got to hang out together. Sam and Dean were like your overprotective brothers who would kill anyone or anything to ensure your safety. Castiel and Gabriel were also very protective of you, they were your guardian angels and complete opposites to each other. While Cas was soft spoken and awkward, Gabe was outgoing and constantly looking for attention; however both were kind and always there for you. Charlie, well, she was your best friend. You would watch movies together and fangirl over books and games. She made you laugh when you felt you couldn't and was always there to pick you up. They meant everything to you and you wouldn't want it any other way.

"Earth to human, hellooooo? Are you listening?"

You jumped when you heard the voice and a hand on your shoulder, looking to your side you saw it was only Gabe; "what? Sorry, I was just lost in thought. What did you say?"

"Well, we were thinking since the snow has stopped and the temperature actually isn't that bad that we should go outside and have a..."

"A snowball fight?!"

A big grin came over his face as he nodded, "so, what do you say? You in?"

You ran over to Charlie and grabbed her arm, "I call Charlie!"

She laughed and looked at you holding your hand that was wrapped around her arm, "we're going to kick their asses."

Dean scoffed and walked over to his brother, leaning on his shoulder, "I hate to break it to you, but Sammy and I are gonna demolish you all."

"I don't think so Dean-ster, Castiel and I have worked together for millennia. We've got this in the bag," Gabe mocked, twirling his sucked in his hand.

"So, teams are settled, let's get dressed and meet in the small patch of woods." You said, holding Charlie's hand and running to your room to get ready.

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