Valentine Moose (Sam x Reader)

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It's the worst day of the year, Valentines Day. Well, you shouldn't say that, to some its the best day ever, the time for love and romance. For you though, it was just a painful reminder you weren't good enough to get a date, or boyfriend for that matter. Why people needed to make such a big deal out of it was beyond you, and the worse part was the fact that there was no case to take your mind off things. So you were left laying on your bed, listening to Bon Jovi and staring up at the ceiling of the bunker, waiting for it to crumble and end it all.

Your mind drifted, you started thinking about the boys and was wondering what they were doing. Gabriel managed to convince Cas to go to Vegas today, he asked if you wanted to come but you graciously declined. When they were about to leave you saw the look on Cas's face, a mixture of fear and confusion, knowing Gabe, he had every right to be scared. That meant that you were left in the bunker with the Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam. You had been hunting with the brothers for about two years now and you loved them both and their little angels. Dean quickly fell into the role of the big brother you never had but always wanted, you'd work on Baby together, watch old westerns and cook together. You immediately remembered the first time you made him your mothers famous ribs, his eyes almost popped out of his head. You laughed at the memory every time you thought of it. Sam on the other hand had stolen your heart since the moment you laid eyes on the magnificent moose.

He was was your best friend since the fist hunt you went on with the boys, it was a nest of vamps turing local teenagers. You killed half of the nest yourself while Sam and Dean killed the other half, the look on their faces after were priceless. Ever since that hunt you and Sam had grown close, he was your best friend, you shared everything with him and he made you feel safe and loved in times when you felt like shit. You both loved talking about lore and your favorite books, Dean always teased you guys for being massive nerds but you owned that title proudly. Sam would make you laugh when things looked tough and he understood you in ways Dean and Cas didn't.

You found yourself smiling and heat raising to your cheeks as you thought of the tall, handsome moose. Bed of Roses started and you sang along, you loved this song and it gave you chills every time you listened to it. Just as the song quieted down you heard a knock at the door, glancing over at your door you saw a shadow standing on the other side. Just as you stood up to answer, a piece of paper slid under your door and someone ran away. Confused, you stopped your music and picked up the paper, it had a hand drawn heart on the from with your name in the center. Opening it you read a note:

"I wish I could explain your eyes,

How the sound of your voice gives me butterflies.

How your smile makes my heart skip a beat,

And how every time I'm with you I feel so complete."


Tears welled up in your eyes and your heart pounded in your chest at the sight of the initials; did Sam really like you the same way you liked him? You sat down on the edge of your bed and smiled down at the note, reading and re-reading it. Suddenly you remembered a poem you had written a long time ago. Kneeling down you reached for a small truck you kept under your bed, opening it you grabbed the poem you had written after you met Sam.

"Okay Y/N, its now or never. It's time for Sam Winchester to know the truth."

Marching out of your room, paper in hand, you found Sam and Dean sitting in the war room, Dean was eating a leftover burger from last night and Sam was reading an old lore book. You smiled at him and took in a deep breath, okay, let's do it.

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