A Speechless Archangel (Gabriel x Reader)

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Another day another hunt, and this one was your least favorite kind. Dragons, only one but still, they made your skin crawl and blood boil. Your best friend was killed by one when you lived in Spokane, your childhood home, you were only 17 at the time. After that, you researched and hunted down the bastard, only to get kidnapped yourself. You didn't have a family, and grew up in an orphanage, so you really didn't care if you died that night. But the big man upstairs didn't think the same. You were saved by your new family, the Winchesters. They ganked the scaly son-of-a-bitch and freed you, you told them your story and the rest was history. They took you in and became your new family, that was five years ago, ever since then you lived with them in their bunker and helped them with their hunts. You never went with them, you didn't feel you were good enough to hunt with them but you did the research and helped them around the bunker. Making meals, cleaning and fixing cars in the garage, you were like a little sister and you loved them.

But back to the hunt, Dragons only prayed on virgins, they sacrificed them...including your friend. You wiped away the tears and continued getting dressed when you heard a knock at your door and Dean poked his head in. You smiled at him and gestured him inside; "hey Dean, whats up? Oh the sword of St. George is in the storage room, you know, the one you always keep Crowley in."

He laughed and stood in the doorway, "right thanks Y/N, um, listen. This hunt requires more than a sword, and if Sam or I could do it we would. But-"

"Hey, I know Dean, and don't worry about it. I'll get ready and meet you there, Cas and Gabe can flash me there. I just need a little bit to get in the right mind set," you gave him a slight smile.

He looked at you, then walking up to you gave you a crushing hug; "I'm sorry sweetheart, you know we don't want to do this but it's the only way we can save any other girl from getting hurt."

"I know Dean, and I wanna help. I trust you guys and I know you'll make sure I'm safe."

Dean smiled into your neck and pulled away, kissing your forehead before moving to the door; "I'll see you in Colorado Springs, remember, first motel of the main road. Love you sweetheart."

"Love you too Dean, tell Sam I love him too."

He smiled and closed the door behind him, after a few minutes you heard Baby roar to life and fade away. Now you needed to get ready for the hunt, you took off your jeans and flannel button up. You slipped on your black robe and began searching through your closet for any dress you had, which wasn't many. You heard another knock at your door, "come in!"

You turned around and saw Gabriel and Castiel standing in your doorway, Gabe strided in and plopped down on your bed while Cas stood awkwardly beside your desk.

"So cupcake, you got the lay down on the hunt I take it?" Gabe asked, sticking a sucker in his mouth.

"Yeah, Dean told me, but I'm okay. I wanna help those girls, since I couldn't help Y/BF/N." A sudden wave of sadness engulfed your soul and tears welled up in your eyes.

You felt someone standing over you, turning around you looked up into Cas's bright blue eyes. He cupped your face in his strong hand and wiped away a stray tear running down your cheek; "Y/N, it is not your fault your friend got hurt. I don't ever want you thinking that, that kind of burden ways on a soul and you have a beautiful soul."

"Wait, you can see my soul? What does it look like?"

"It's a blueish-green kinda color, always vibrant and shining. It's strongest in your chest and expands across your whole body. A mighty fine body at that," Gabe smiled, standing now and leaning an arm on his brothers.

"Wow, it does sound pretty. Oh, wait!"

Cas dropped his hand and looked startled at your sudden outburst, watching you ripped through your closet finally coming across an old sea green dress. Pulling it out you looked at the angels, "um, do you guys mind?"

"Not at all cupcake," Gabe grins and looks you dead in the eyes, making you blush a little.

"Gabriel," Cas rolls his eyes, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of your room and closing the door behind him.

You laughed and quickly took off your robe, slipping into your dress and looking in the mirror admiring the old dress. You don't remember when you got it but it still looked good on you. It was down to your knees and had sleeves down to your elbows made of lace. The neckline was a "V" shaped but wasn't plunging and also had lace around it. It had pockets, probably the main reason you bought it, and it had a small silver belt around the waist with a star as the clip. You looked good, and felt just as good, you turned around and went into your bathroom to do your hair and makeup. Once you were satisfied with your look you grabbed your black leather jacket and left your room to find your angels.

You walked into the library where they were sitting, Gabe was still sucking on his lollipop and Cas was reading a book. Neither of them noticed so you crept up behind Gabe and blew into his ear. He jumped up which startled Cas and made you laugh, "hahaha, why so jumpy Gabe?"

He turned around and was going to tell you that you didn't scare him but he just looked at you. You were gorgeous, at least thats what was running through his head, along with some other thoughts. Cas also looked you over; "you look very beautiful, Y/N," he smiled at you.

"Awe, thanks Cas, do you think this will due though? Will the Dragon be...I don't know, intrigued?"

"Yes, I think so. Shall we go then?"

"Hang on there little bro, I think I need to check her over myself," Gabe stated standing in front of you.

"What, why? What's wrong?" You asked, looking down at your dress, "I think I look good. Or is it too much?"

Gabriel just looked at you, he held your hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. He looked into your Y/E/C eyes, deep into them, you saw his eyes flash gold for a second then back to his caramel colored eyes. You felt your cheeks getting warm and he noticed, smiling he took you hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"I'm not normally one to be speechless but Y/N, you've done it. You look amazing cupcake and I swear, I will protect you if it's the last thing I do."

He kissed your cheek which set your face on fire, and he grinned at it. He held your hand and turned to his brother, "alright Cas, lets go, I wanna take Y/N out for diner before the Winchesters can spoil the fun."

Cas cocked his head to one side and looked at his brother in confusion, "Gabriel, we need her as a virgin for this you realize."

"CAS!" You shout, covering your blood red face with the hand Gabriel didn't have captive.

"Don't worry little bro, I'll wait until after the hunt," he looks at you and licks his lower lip.


He laughed, and gave your hand one last kiss. You looked at him, your face still flush but you didn't mind him holding your hand. Truth be told, you had a thing for the Archangel, but you never thought anything of it as the chances of him liking a mortal like you was slim to none. However, now that you knew he liked you too, this dinner may be more eventful than you thought.

First Gabriel one shot, OMG!!!! I really liked writing this one, so much so that I may just have write a part two...maybe spicing it up with something other than pure fluff *wink wink*. And I also decided to add a picture, let me know how you feel about it, I'm kinda on the fence.

I also just want to thank everyone who has been reading my stories, it means a lot and I'm glad you re enjoying them!

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