Sugar Pie (Dean x Reader)

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Warning: mentions of self hate

You woke up to the sound of thunder, sitting up and looking at your alarm clock it was 9:35 in the morning. You had gotten back late last night with the boys after a hunt in Asheville, North Carolina where a banshee was terrorizing a local church. It turned out to be a teenage boy who was murdered by a priest in the late 18th century, so you guys sent him off as painless as possible. After such a sad hunt, you went straight to bed, not even changing or showering and passing out lengthwise on your bed. You stood up and stretched looking around the nightstand for your glasses, you wore contacts on hunts but when you were just at the bunker it was just simpler to slip on your stereotypical nerd glasses. Grabbing a black towel from the closet and a fresh pair of clothes before heading to the showers down the hall from your room.

As you walked barefoot to the showers, you passed the boys bedrooms and heard snoring, you grinned at the sound and continued walking. You've been living with the Winchesters brothers, Sam and Dean, for about two years and loved every minute of it. They teamed up with you after you had met in a diner outside Leavenworth Washington; you were after a pack of werewolves that fled from Seattle after killing over ten young men and women. They were after the same pack and you let them tag along which turned out to be a good idea as we had a hell of a time trying to gank them all. Ever since that first hunt, you've stayed with the Winchesters, having worked this job for over ten years alone, it was nice having the companionship. Sam quickly fell into the role of an older brother you never knew you wanted, while Dean...well he fell into the more intimate role.

You suddenly felt your face redden just thinking about the green-eyed hunter, he was badass on hunts but when it was just the three of us, he was funny and sweet. Whenever you were upset or simply just having one of those days where your anxiety had got the better of you, he was there. Someone to talk to and hug you when you felt broken, he made you laugh when all you wanted to do was cry and made you smile when you thought it impossible. You loved him but when you saw him go out and hook up with some random bar chick, it broke you a little. They were all the complete opposite of who you were; they were thin with curves in all the right places, long luxurious hair and absolutely gorgeous. You never lead on that you liked him, knowing it would only end in heartbreak. You felt a few tears welling up thinking about the horrible truth and quickly wiped them away.

Once reaching the showers you took of my gross hunting attire and hopped into the shower, letting the warm water run over your sore and bruised body. Once clean, you wrapped up in your fluffy warm towel, drying your short hair and styling it. Slipping on your new Dungeons and Dragons shirt you purchased in Asheville before the hunt, some black jeans and converse. You left the showers and crept back to your room, listening to the snores still bouncing off the walls in the bunker. Slipping into your room it was now 10:00, you threw your sheets in the laundry basket and fixing your bed with fresh ones, tidied your room and replaced your hunting clothes in your duffel bag.

You and the boys didn't have a new job and even if you did, they didn't seem like they would be waking up anytime soon. Sitting at the foot of your bed I switched on your phone, the weather said a storm was headed for Lebanon which you really didn't mind. Continuing to fiddle around on your phone, you soon came across a picture of a brown sugar pie. Your eyes widened at the sight, it looked divine. 'Wait a minute,' you said to yourself. Standing up you opened your desks top drawer and took out a tin box. Opening it, you found yourself looking through all of your family's old recipes. You thumbed to the baking section and sure enough there it was, your great grandma's brown sugar pie. Smiling, you closed the tin and, holding the card in one hand, you left your room to go to the kitchen.

Bouncing into the dark kitchen and flipped on the lights, you walked over to the cupboard you searched for the ingredients needed for the famous pie. You found everything you needed, the boys never had this pie before to your knowledge, but Dean has eaten many a pies in his day. Then again, he's never had your pie, but he was about to. Setting the temperature on the oven and tying the apron around your waist, you started baking.

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