White Love 11: New Year's Eve to Remember

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Good morning, everyone! ❤
I'm back ~ 😉 So here's Chapter 11...the New Year's Special! Hihihi. Enjoy reading, everyone ~

All Photos, GIF's & Songs here are all credits to the rightful owners. 😊
P. S. Song picks here are chosen randomly by me. Thank you! 😊


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White Love 11: New Year's Eve to Remember


"You know that I hate liars." Ryosuke-kun said while walking slowly towards me as I took a step backwards. Oh no... He's really in a bad mood.

"I-i am not lying!" I said as I took a step back until I suddenly felt the wall behind me. Oh no... I was about to speak once again when Ryosuke-kun suddenly put both of his hands on the wall. I-is this what you call... Kabedon!?

"L-let me explain, R-ryosuke-kun..." I said while trying to calm him down. We are now here at their dressing room while I can feel everyone is staring at us. He's also blocking my way while looking at me irritatedly. What to do?

"Go ahead. I'm listening, Ayana." Ryosuke-kun said seriously that made me gulped. Oh no...


"Eh? Are you serious, Ayumi-chan? You're not gonna hold his uchiwa?" Rie-chan asked while we're walking and finding our seats. I saw Ayumi-chan turned to looked at as we both sighed. Rie-chan is being loud again. By the way, we're already here in Kyocera Dome right now and to be honest, I'm so nervous and excited right now. Hahaha!

"Why? Hikaru-kun is my cousin, so there's nothing wrong with that?" Ayumi-chan said in a very low voice that only the three of us can hear. We saw Rie-chan just nod as if she just realized how many people surround us already. We already find our seats and as the three of us sat down while waiting for the concert to start, Rie-chan suddenly speaks again.

"But wouldn't he be more inspired if he sees you holding his uchiwa?" Rie-chan said while I still continue to listen to their conversation.

"But everyone knew that I am Hikaru-kun's cousin." Ayumi-chan said. Oh that's right. Ayumi-chan and Arioka-kun's relationship is still a secret.

"So that leaves me no choice but to hold my dear cousin's uchiwa instead..." Rie-chan said while acting disappointed. Hahaha! Arioka-kun and Rie-chan are really close towards each other. I suddenly miss my cousins in the Philippines.

"Hahaha! Don't be like that, Rie-chan. Dai-chan needs your support also. Right, Ayana-chan?" Ayumi-chan said as she winks at me. Hahaha!

"Hai. They need our support but I have an idea." I said that made them look at me curiously.

"What is it, Ayana-chan?" Rie-chan asked.

"Let's all bring their uchiwa together." I said as I get the other uchiwas inside the tote bag and show it to them that made them both look at me surprisingly.

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