White Love 34: Things Gets Complicated

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Ohayou gozaimasu, minna-san ~ 😊 Hisashiburi ~ ❤️ How are you, minna? I hope you're all doing fine. 😊 Please stay safe and healthy always, okay? 🙂

Enjoy and have fun reading, everyone! 😉
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White Love 34: Things Gets Complicated


"And... Cut! Let's have a 30 minutes break first before we resume." Our director said, which made all of us nod our heads as I stood up and walked towards the chair near us to take a short break. Come to think of it, it's already been 2 days since I left Ayana in Yokohama and it's already been 2 days since we last saw each other...though we're always talking with each other through phone every night or if I ever have some free time but... Somehow, it feels so different. Anyways, I'm here at the taping right now and we just finished filming my scene and the next one will be Sho and Kento's scene with...Hiiragizawa-san. Actually, I don't understand why I should be here this early since the only shot that they will take where I am included is this short conversation scene that I have with Sho and Kento. I couldn't stop myself from sighing. Now that my scene has been taken. Can I go now? Because I still have to go to the studio for our weekly Itadaki High JUMP. I was in deep thoughts when I suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from behind me.

"Hello there, Yamada-kun. It's been a long time." She said happily and I don't think I have to guess who she is because just by simply hearing her voice makes me so uncomfortable.

"Hai. It's been a long time, Hiiragizawa-san." I simply said as I greeted her who's now standing beside me.

"Hey, you talk so formally. What's with that? Aren't we already close enough, Yamada-kun?" I heard Hiiragizawa-san said which made the people around us...or more specifically, our staff turned to look at us. Mattaku... Here she goes again.

"Hiiragizawa-san---" I said as I was about to clear things up for her when we suddenly heard a very familiar voice calling me not too far from where we were.

"Yamada-kun!" We heard that person said as he walked closer to us.

"Oh, Sho. Doushita?" I said and asked while walking towards us. Good timing as always, Hirano Sho. Arigatou.

"I just have some problems with my younger brother's assignment. Would you mind helping me solve this for him?" I heard Sho said as he finally reached our place. Eh? An assignment?

"Sure but I'll just try, okay?" I said which made him simply nod his head.

"Hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita, senpai!" Sho said so politely which made me just nod my head. Here he goes again calling me senpai out of nowhere. Anyways, I'm glad that Sho asked for my help since I'm really in trouble right now.

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