White Love 44: Mixed Emotions Part 4

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Minna-san ~ We're back on our Part 4 of our Special Birthday Countdown for Ryosuke-kun ~ Enjoy reading, minna ~ 😊


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White Love 44: Mixed Emotions Part 4


Time flies so fast and luckily, our so called reenactment scene which was supposedly not included in today's party went well and right now, I'm just here at the round table with Kenty, Sho, Hiiragizawa-san and Satomi-chan while eating our desserts. Well, Yusuke left right after he talked to our Jeremy-san since he still needs to attend some meeting. Anyways, we're just eating here while chatting with one another when my phone started ringing.

"Ah, sorry." I said as I immediately grabbed my phone which is inside my pants pocket and was so surprised to see her name.


Fuyumi-chan... I wonder why did she suddenly called?

"Anou... Excuse me. I'll just answer this." I said as I gently stood up and informed them about it which made them simply nod their heads.

"Ah, sure, Ryou-cha---" We heard Satomi-chan suddenly said but was interrupted when Hiiragizawa-san suddenly speaks. Ah, here she goes again ~

"Go ahead, Yamada-kun. Take your time." We heard Hiiragizawa-san suddenly said as she smiled at me. Eh? What's with that sudden smile as if we didn't had an argument just a while ago? I just nod my head before I excused myself once again and walked away as I answered my cousin's call.

"Hello? Fuyumi-chan? Doushita no?" I asked a bit worriedly because Fuyumi-chan and her sisters rarely calls me. They usually sent me a message if something is up or they just want to talk to me but when the moment they called me especially at day when they knew that I might be at work, it has to be something urgent

[Ryou-nii, konnichiwa! Sorry for calling you all of a sudden... Are you working today?] I heard Fuyumi-chan asked. Hmmm...? I could really feel that there's something going on... By the way, Fuyumi-chan is one of Aki-kun's younger sisters, one of the triplets.

"No, we just finished filming. It's our last day at the set and our Producer prepared a Thanksgiving Party for us before parting with each other. Doushita?" I asked because she didn't answered my question a while ago which made me even more anxious. I wonder what's happening? I just walking a little farther from the party until I reached the balcony where we are having our Thanksgiving Party and leaned on the wall behind me.

[Sou ka... Uhm, I called because I just want to remind you about otou-san's birthday tomorrow night, Ryou-nii.] I heard Fuyumi-chan said.

"Ah, right! I almost forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me, Fuyumi-chan. Yes, your Ayana-nee chan and I will be there." I told her before I turned to look at my wristwatch. Ah, that's right. I should call Ayana later to remind her about this...though I have a hunch that she remembers it well than me. I just sighed. Oh, well... At least I have a more valid reason to call her later, right?

White Love (Hey! Say! JUMP Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora