White Love 05: Their Secret...Revealed

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Good morning, everyone! ❤
I'm back!!!!!! 😊 Sorry for the long wait and thank you for all the love and support! Love you all!


Photo above credits to crystilia_ixora ~ Thank you once again, Illa-chan! 😊

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White Love 05: Their Secret...Revealed


I am now at kitchen preparing our breakfast when Miki-chan suddenly appears.

"Ohayou, Ayana-chan! What are you doing here?" She asked as she approach me.

"Ohayou, Miki-chan. I'm making a breakfast. We have a sunny side up eggs, french bread, waffles and salad if you want." I said while making a coffee.

"Thank you very much, Ayana-chan." She said as she finally reached my spot.

"Oh my ~ You also knew how to make a brewed coffee? Sugoii, Ayana-chan ~" She said while looking at what I am doing.

"Actually, your brother was the one who teaches me how to brewed a coffee." I said and when I turned to look at her, I saw her looking at me in confusion.

"Nii chan did?" She asked. I just nod.

"Hai..." I said to her but she still looked puzzled while still looking at me. Yes, you heard it right... Ryosuke-kun was the one who teaches me two weeks ago and to be honest, that time was the time when I get to know him more as Ryosuke Yamada-kun himself.


I am now in the kitchen to make a breakfast and to be honest, I'm still a bit not comfortable in here especially with what happened last night. The incident between Ryosuke-kun and me being discovered by Okamoto-kun. This is the first time that I felt Ryosuke-kun's nervousness and to be honest, there's only one person who can blame here... It was me. If I didn't called his name too loud and I didn't argue with him about my wallet then we already left without encountering Okamoto-kun there but on the other hand while looking at the two of them talking last night while eating the one that I baked for them... I saw how relieved Ryosuke-kun is that's why I couldn't help myself but think that maybe it's better that one of his friends knew about our relationship so that he can feel even a little bit at ease.

"What are you doing here?" I was taken aback when I suddenly heard Ryosuke-kun's voice that's why I slowly turn to looked at him and saw him simply looking at me while wearing a plain black pants and white polo shirt. Oh, that's right. He mentioned to me also last night that they will be having a meeting for their upcoming project.

"Ah, ohayou gozaimasu, Ryosuke-kun!" I said while still holding the spoon. Oh...

"Ohayou, Ayana. So, what are you doing here? I thought you're not good at waking up early in the morning." He asked that made me furrowed my brows. When did I told him that I'm not good at waking up early?

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