White Love 06: Welcome Party

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Good evening, everyone! ❤
I'm back!!!!!!
😊 Sorry for the long wait and thank you for all the love and support! Love you all!

All Photos here are credits to the rightful owners (I just found it on google. Hehehe). 😊


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White Love 06: Welcome Party


"So where are we now?" Kota said while looking at the surroundings.

"We're now back in Tokyo!" We all said unison. We're now recording our final scene for our Documentary, Hey! Say! JUMP's Jump to their Life ~ Documentary Special. We are now here in Koishikawa Korakuen, Tokyo's oldest and best Japanese gardens.

"Welcome back to Hey! Say! JUMP ~ Jump to their Life Documentary Special!" Hikaru and Dai-chani's greetings to the viewers.

"So what can you say about our Documentary Special, minna? How was it?" Kota asked while standing beside Hikaru.

"I really enjoyed it." Yuya said that made me nod.

"Me too as well." Yuto said while standing beside Keito.

"Watashi mo." Yuya said while standing beside Inoo-chan.

"Yeah, it becomes our bonding at the same time too, right?" I said that made all of them nod too.

"Yes. It's really nice to have a visit in our hometowns together with you, guys." Keito said while smiling at us. Yes, he's right.

"But what's your most memorable place that we've visited together so far aside from your hometowns? Dai-chan?" Kota asked before he turned to looked at Dai-chan who's standing beside me.

"For me? Hmmm...? I think, Hamanako Pal Pal in Shizuoka. That amusement park brought me back to my younger days." Dai-chan said. Oh, that's right. When we visited Yuri's hometown, we got the chance to go there and guess what? They made fun of me using those scary rides. Mattaku, everytime I remembered it, I couldn't help myself but vomit. Hahaha! But really, Hamanako Pal Pal is a great amusement park. I liked it too except for the scary rides. Hahaha!

"That's where Ryosuke always get mad at us

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"That's where Ryosuke always get mad at us." Hikaru said while trying not to laugh.

"It's because all of you are making fun of me." I said while still smiling that made them all laugh. These crazy guys.

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