The Warmth of Other Suns

Start from the beginning

"Are you tired?" Phil asks as the episode draws to a close.

Dan glances over only to be met with devious eyes looking back at him, a smirk on Phil's face. Dan raises his eyebrows.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" Dan smiles and slides off the couch only to crawl onto Phil's lap.

"Too long." Phil says gravelly before connecting his lips with Dan's.

They kiss long and slow as their hands wander south of the border, Dan grinding rhythmically against Phil's hips.
It isn't long before Phil hooks Dan's legs around his own waist and stands, carrying Dan to his bedroom and laying the disheveled man down on his bed. There is a moment where Phil lingers above Dan, just admiring.

"It's been too long." Phil repeats.

"Only a couple weeks." Dan murmurs. "Still."

Phil silences him with a kiss before retrieving the lube out of the nightstand drawer.

They fuck quietly this evening, save for the banging of the woven headboard as Phil grips it for dear life as he thrusts into Dan. Dan, for once, is silent.

In the sweaty aftermath, Dan lay on his side of the bed naked and breathless, his eyes trailing over Phil's body.

"You're pretty hot, you know that?" Dan smiles.

"You're not so bad yourself." Phil yawns and rolls over to face away from Dan, leaving Dan feeling a little neglected.

So they fuck on the regular, and they were definitely best friends, but Dan could also use a little cuddling on occasion. So sue him.
Yesterday doesn't worry Phil. Getting sick on occasion is normal, obviously. This morning, however, when he awakens to an empty bed and horrible sounds coming from the bathroom, it does worry him.

"Dan?" Phil pushes his glasses onto his face and pulls on a pair of boxers before giving the bathroom door a tap.

"Ugh, Phil. I'll be fine." Dan says unconvincingly from the other side of the door.

"I need to wee, unfortunately." Phil says, worry in his voice. "But take your time."

Dan opens the door a few minutes later and Phil is met with a wreck. Dan's hair is plastered to his forehead and he is just wearing boxers and a t-shirt that is soaked through.

"Fucking hell." Dan breathes, wiping a hand across his mouth.

Phil uses the bathroom and then brings Dan a glass of ice water that seems to quell the rolling thunderstorm that is Dan's stomach.

"Hey, is it normal for nausea to accompany stabbing stomach pains?" Dan asks from the couch as he scrolls through Web MD.

"I don't know. Maybe you should go to the doctor, Dan." Phil frowns.

"I'm fine, Phil." Dan says.

"Last time we ended up in A&E together you ended up needing surgery."

"I'll tell you if it gets that bad." Dan stands up, swaying a little, before walking towards his room.
It doesn't happen again until two and a half weeks later, barely a week into the United States tour.
They had just made it out of Florida when Dan lurches from the bed and spends the next ten minutes in the tiny toilet of the tour bus.

"Are you travel sick?" Phil asks as he sits adjacent from Dan in the tiny hallway outside the bathroom about ten minutes later.

"Maybe." Dan rubs at his forehead. "It's passing."

"All we've eaten is popcorn and sandwiches."

"God Phil don't talk about food." Dan's hand flies to his stomach, a sharp look spreading across his face.

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