Pressure Limit

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The sound of roaring shook you out of the deep embrace of sleep. It sounded like you were right next to a waterfall. You tried to sit up but your head collided painfully with a rock ceiling. It took you a moment to get your bearings and remember that you were in the tunnel. After the fiasco with Hoolan before, you decided you needed a little quiet place to relax. You realized with Horror that because you fell asleep in the tunnel, you were nowhere in sight. Hoolan was back. He sounded pissed.

He probably had no Idea where you were. You cursed yourself for being so foolish, the last thing you needed to do right now was make him mad. you pondered to yourself if you should go out now and reveal to Hoolan that you were still there. Or wait until the storm passed and come out when he was calm. The latter sounded like the better option, but you knew the more you waited, the angrier he would be. He wasn't going to calm down.

It sounded like a hurricane in the cave. The roar was constant like he didn't need to take a breath. The sound of rocks hitting the cave walls was heard as well as you felt the vibrations they made. You also heard the loud stomps as he rampaged around. Now was like any good a time as ever you guessed. You tentatively put a hand in front of you and started to make your way through the tunnel. Your movements were slow. You wanted more than anything to turn back and curl yourself into a ball again. You knew you couldn't do that though. A rock the size of your head slammed against the opening of the tunnel. you yelped and crawled back to the end and put your arms over your head as stone shards flew around. Some even came back to where you were and piercing your skin.

Then, it was quiet. The roaring, the rock throwing, the stomping, it all stopped. It was dead silent. You hardly dared to breathe, the tension in the air was practically choking you. You slowly raised your arms up and lifted your head up. Your lungs constricted in absolute horror when you saw a dark figure at the opening of the tunnel. The tunnel entrance was fifteen feet away, but fear coursed through your heart like he was right in front of you.

"Y/N." He said your name slowly. As if he talked any faster he would explode. " Why are you hiding? Come out right now." You were shaking uncontrollably at this point. You didn't know what to do. You were so scared. You knew you should do what he said so he didn't get any angrier. However, like usually what happened when you were in his presence, you were frozen in fear. You looked to the ground unable to look at the menacing figure ahead of you. He didn't take that very well, for you heard him let out a low growl that sounded like a tiger's, except rockier.

"Y/N, don't ignore me polyp." He said with more rage than concealment this time. You closed your eyes and lightly shook your head. Immediately he let out a roar that shook the tunnel and you covered your ears. You looked back up to see him struggling at the opening. He couldn't crawl through and get you, he was too big.

A wave of relief washed over you. maybe you would be able to wait for the storm out, after all, you could come out when he calmed down and explain to him that this was all a big misunderstanding. That you weren't hiding from him. That you just crawled in here for comfort and accidentally fell asleep. On second thought though, he might not take that well telling him you didn't feel well around him. He should already know that by now though.

All the relief washed away in an instant though when he held his arm out toward you, and it began to elongate. You started to panic as it slowly got closer and closer to you. There was nowhere you could turn to evade it. You were trapped. When it was about eight feet in front of you, you pushed yourself up completely to the back of the tunnel. screaming at Hoolan to stop, to leave you alone.

When it got close enough where you could see all the little details on it you tried batting it away. It was no use though. He grabbed you by the neck and started to pull you out. He wasn't gripping too tightly, just enough to hold on. All the while you were screaming and thrashing. the tunnel was already a snug squeeze, so the rock scraped you as you were pulled along. As he was pulling you through the opening you grabbed one of the rock shards and stabbed him in the arm right above the wrist.

Blood so red it looked black started to leak from the wound. A High pitched monster like squeal came from him and he flung you across the room. Your back smashing into the stalagmite where he had kissed you a week ago. The breath was knocked from your lungs and white stars exploded in your vision for a second. when the world stopped spinning and nausea settled a little as you looked over at him.

He looked up from his wound over to you as well and you saw the boiling fury in his eyes. He started to crawl toward you on all fours and you started to scoot away from him. Never taking your sight off of him. maneuvering around the stalagmite you tried to get away as fast as he could. You let out a gasp when the ground below you suddenly disappeared and you were plunged into pitch black water.

you had been so focused on Hoolan you hadn't noticed you were heading toward the opening. The water sucked what little heat you had in you away and it took all of your willpower not to suck in a breath. You swam back up to the opening.

It wasn't there.

What?! where was it?! you must have swum up a little crookedly and was now in the wrong spot. You tried to settle down the panic that was starting to take hold of you. If you panicked you were dead. You felt around the rocks above you, trying to find the opening. Your lungs started to burn after a Minute. They felt like they were gonna explode. A few seconds later with still no luck your head started to become light and you were starting to lose focus. You let some of the air out of your lungs, but that barely helped.

When you were just about to pass out you gripped the edge of the opening, and at the same time, you felt someone grip your sides and heave you up. You took in a painful lungful of air and coughed. Your body was racking with coughs as strong but gentle hands lifted you out of the water and onto the rock.

You felt his arms wrap around you, and this time, you didn't push him away. You cried/coughed into his shoulder, shaking badly. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and held you.

" Shhhh, It's alright Polyp, your OK, your OK." You felt his cold breath on your neck when he talked, but you were freezing wet again so it didn't really make a difference. The way he talked actually did soothe you a little. With the way, he talked it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself as much as you. You took another breath before opening your mouth to speak.

" I'm sorry Hoolan... I wasn't trying to hide from you... I was just so scared." You practically cried out between sobs.

" No, I'm sorry Polyp, I shouldn't have lost my temper like that." He shakily whispered into your hair. You looked down at the ground and saw his hand where you stabbed it. You got him good, he had a nasty puncture wound above the wrist. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but you could see the flesh underneath the skin. It looked like it was starting to decompose.

You felt a sudden feeling of guilt for stabbing him. you didn't know why. After all, he killed innocent people and kidnapped you. But you remembered the Hoolan that you spent hours within the lab, and how you would ask jack to make him little toys so he wouldn't get bored. How he would trace the glass with his legs when you did it with your fingers. When he would dig little holes in the sand, look to see if you were watching, then continue digging.

How did your little Hoolan turn out to be such a monster?

You tossed those thoughts aside for the moment. It had been a really long day, you just wanted to forget that this all happened. You just wanted this to all be over. You knew though that just wishing wouldn't get you anywhere. You wanted to stop being sad, stop crying half the time and sleeping the other half. You didn't know how you could change that. But you didn't want to think about that now, your mind was too tired. So you sunk into Hoolan's embrace. Actually grateful for it for the first time.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now