A Battle of Five Colosalls

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A/N: Holy Heck everybody! longest chapter I have ever done! This is it everyone! Before you start, I just want to thank absolutely all of you with all of my heart for reading my story. Enjoy!!

Your cry echoed all down the hall. The Gigantic blue orbs on the other side of the glass never left your form and studied you meticulously. You stared back, though the emotion in your eyes of great terror compared to the monsters intrigue.

You did not know if it was the shade of the water or something else, but the skin of the beast seemed to be a dark gravel color with an emerald green hue.

You did not notice it at the time because of all the adrenalin running through you, but the hallway was quite big, bigger than it ever actually would need to be. Giving you a good look at the monster in front of you, but only it's head really. Maybe that was why it was so big, so the people here could see it.

Tentacles thicker than tree trunks planted themselves on the glass of the hallway as if the monster was trying to get inside to grab you. The little suckers on it squirming a bit as they were pressed against the clear walls.

You turned around to continue running, but turned and ran straight into the chest of one of the men that was chasing you. You did not even hear them coming up on you. The terror of seeing the blue-eyed monster in all of its glory probably caused all of your other senses besides sight to shut down.

You struggled in the firm grip of the man that help you. Smacking him in the arms and trying to kick his legs to make him lose balance. Your efforts were thwarted though when two more pairs of hands grabbed onto you from different sides.

No matter how much you thrashed you could not shake them. You don't know what let you fling the other two men off of you just moments ago, but it must have left.

Eventually, you knew that it was useless fighting these men, and so you went limp in their grips. Letting them fix their grips on you. As you started to get dragged away you looked back up at Blue-Eyes.

Your E/C eyes immediately flicked over just to the side of the ocean monster though. For in the distance a gigantic dark shape materialized out of the blue. surging through the water like a torpedo at the monster who had its back to it.

Its body was thick and bulky like a Barrel and it had its massive legs tucked into its sides to allow it to move faster through the water.

The tentacles around its maw moved in wave-like motions as they spread to allow the teeth access to flesh. Joy filled your body at the sight of your hero finally coming to your rescue.

With the blue-eyed creature distracted by you, he saw his chance to get the jump on it. As the creature got closer however your smile dropped as you realized... that was not your hero. This creature had glowing crimson eyes.

You knew then that this was not Hoolan, It was Dhanuraashi, or in Hindi, Archer. Aesha's Abyss keeper. Blue Eyes must have read your expression well because it turned it's head and roared at the approaching intruder.

The roar sounded much like the tune of a whale, but with the rocky grind much like a tiger roar. The Blue-Eyed creature surged forward, it's own face tentacles flying out of the way.

They crashed into each other and bubbles sprayed out in all directions. Enveloping the two of them in a white cloud. Right then and there a loud siren started wailing all throughout the base. Alerting everyone to the arrival of the Crimson eyed beast.

The men around you started shouting at each other, two of them pulling out radio's and talking frantically into them. You could not make out what any of them were saying over the sound of the siren and all of them talking at once.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz