Dinner with a Demon

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You woke up under the small Ramada that Hoolan had built for you. The first thing coming to your senses was the sound of the waves on the sand. Shorty after Hoolan made his promise the blood loss had gotten to you, and you passed out. Now you were awake again, and Hoolan was once again nowhere to be seen.

You slowly leaned up into a sitting position, needing to use your hands as balance in place of your missing leg. You looked up at the little shade shelter. It was quite expertly built. You wondered if Hoolan knew how to do that or if he took the skill from the guy he was marionetting.

It gave you shade against the sun though, so that was good. You did not like that at first, considering you had been deprived of the sun for who knows how long. But with you being unable to move the sun would roast you alive on the sand, so maybe the Ramada was a good thing.

It stood on ten-foot sticks, with plant fibers finely woven together at the top. Every now and then the sun would peek through a little gap. Casting beams of light unto your shade. You lifted your hand to the nearest one and held your palm out, holding the small light.

You gave a small sigh through your nostrils. How on earth did you wind up here? You knew you often asked yourself that, but it was probably a question you would keep asking yourself until you died. How did you, A Nineteen-year-old girl who just wanted to learn about the animals of the sea, get caught in the obsession of an ocean cryptid and losing your leg?

You had no fathom as to how you got here, but you were here, so there was nothing to be done about the past. You needed to keep your eyes forward and focus on the new task at hand. You were on a tropical island, where you had no idea where.

Hoolan promised you that he would never lay a harmful hand on you again, but you didn't know if you fully believed him. If you ever could get away the chances of that became a hundred times lower now that you were a cripple.

You just needed to do what you were doing before. Try to not piss Hoolan off and hope you can find a way without him noticing. If you ever could that is. It's not like you could take a stroll around the island and see if there is civilization somewhere on it.

Probably not considering Hoolan did not like to have you anywhere but with him. It probably would not hurt to ask right? Don't think that. That would go against the rule of not doing anything to piss him off.

You heard the sound of footsteps in sand coming from your left again. You turned your head to the noise and saw Hoolan approaching you with something flung over his shoulders. You looked at the ground quickly again, not wanting to meet his gaze as he got closer. Once he was at your side he set what he was holding down next to you and knelt down to stroke your face.

" I'm glad to see you're doing ok Polyp. You had me worried. How are you feeling?" He said as he brushed his hand across your face and through your hair. Giving you a hopeful smile. You did not like the smile. It reminded you of the time in the cave after your escape attempt and he flashed you those small pearly white triangle teeth. That would haunt your memories forever.

" I'm... I'm alright." You said quietly. It was not a lie if you were talking about if you were in pain. You actually were not. You were a little sore and there was a small ache where your wound was. But whatever Hoolan was using to treat your wound was doing miracles, for you were not in any real pain. Physically that is.

Hoolan gave you a bigger smile and leaned over, giving you a small kiss on your temple. You tensed up slightly as he did, choosing to focus on the thing he had with him rather than the affection he was giving you.

It looked like a rolled-up mat of palm leaves. Woven together with skill like the fronds on the Ramada. Hoolan pulled away, his hands cupping your cheeks, and noticed you looking at the mat.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum