Not when I can't trust you

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A/N: Just a quick note, this is sort of what Hubert/Hoolan looks like

A couple of days have gone by, or, at least it feels like a couple of days. The cave was constantly cold. Being constantly wet didn't help at all either though. After all, there was no way to dry your clothes. No sunlight ever touched the dark abyssal cavern that kept you captivated. So the best thing you could do was to keep wringing out your clothing. It helped with the water, but not warmth at all. by this point, your fingers and toes were constantly numb, and you were always shaking. So you tried to keep moving as much as possible.

Hoolan showed you a little part of the cave that actually dripped with a little stream of fresh water. There was probably an underground river. You were surprised that it went this deep, but grateful because it meant that you wouldn't die of dehydration. He also brought you fish to eat. You refused to eat it though, considering that you had no way to cook or cure it, and you really didn't want to get sick down here. You had enough problems with just the cold itself. You tried to convince him to bring you edible sea flora, but he just ignored you. You went for about two days without eating before Hoolan snapped. He got really angry after you refused for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was then that you had finally taken your first bite.

It was a hard thing to keep down, but you did. Afraid that Hoolan might get angry and snap again. He didn't do anything but raise his voice at you. But considering he was a sea creature in the mind of your best friend that had easily killed over a dozen people in the last few days, he was the scariest thing ever to you right now.

You tried to explorer the cave, but Hoolan was always right behind you, constantly trailing you. Breathing cold air on the back of your neck. So you took to wandering around while he was fishing. He would usually be gone for what seemed like 30 minutes. You couldn't search around the back of the cave. The Phosphorus on the walls didn't go that far back. So you had no way of finding out what lay behind that curtain of darkness. Be it a way out, or a dead end. You found a little tunnel on one side of the cave. It was a little bit of a snug fit, but you could crawl through it. It only went back about fifteen feet before coming to a dead end stop though.

You were utterly, helplessly trapped.

Other than searching the cave, you spent your time thinking about your lab mates. How they all were down there achieving their dreams and died for it. None of them deserved to die. None of them deserved to die like the way they did. You thought about your family. Wondering if you would ever see them again, ever feel the sun again.

It all made you cry. Hoolan tried to comfort you, but it didn't work in the slightest. Considering he was some ungodly creature controlling the body of your deceased friend. However, at the moment, those thoughts that plagued and saddened your mind were not burdening you. For you were dreaming. Sleeping peacefully for the first time in who knows how long.

_ -

You were dreaming that you were on the beach with your family. Swimming in the Sapphire blue ocean waters. The sun shining down on you. Not a single cloud in the sky.

Laughing, living, unafraid, free.

You dove under the water. The sounds of the surface world becoming a distant thrum in the background. You swam across the ocean floor on a sand bed filled with Coral and rocks. You looked upon the rocks and saw a curious little creature. It was a funky looking thing. You stared at it and it stared at you. Curiosity in the gazes of both E/C and black.

You reached your hand out to it and it scurried out of sight behind the rocks. you excitedly swam back across the ocean floor, on the sand bed filled with Coral and rocks. Back up toward the surface. Ready to tell the world of your curious little find.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now