Stay together

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You Stood In the lab room waiting quietly as Robert practically screamed at you. He had come in this morning to get Hoolan ready for boarding, Only to find the little creature gone. He immediately sent for you and demanded an explanation. Hubert tried to stick up for you in saying that Hoolan probably just shrunk down. You were grateful for his help, but Robert cleared out the entire tank afterward, and when he found nothing, you knew that there was no way you could get out of this one.

So, there you stood in the center of the lab with Robert furiously pacing around you and scolding you as if you were a small child. You stood tall, and calm, keeping your face emotionless as you stared ahead. You didn't bother to try and say anything. You knew Robert would just cut you off and reprimand you even harder.

You yelled at you about how what you did was terrible, and how you could not only have lost your job but costed everyone else theirs too. How it could be seen as someone helped you or it was bad on their parts that you did it without them noticing, and they might as well just say goodbye to their jobs right now.

He asked you how you did it, but you refused to say a single word to him. Everyone else stood to the side as Robert gave you a verbal whooping. Maria, as always, was giving you a glare. Although this time it was much darker. Paul looked at you with disappointment. It hurt to see him look at you that way. However, You knew what you did was right, and nothing in this world could change your mind about that. Jack looked confused, as though he didn't quite know how he should feel. Finally, Hubert stood behind you. You couldn't see his face but you knew there was no malice in his expression whatsoever. Robert stopped yelling and pacing as a loud siren filled the Room. Everyone knew what it meant.

The submarine was here.

Robert looked at you with a glare and told everyone to stay put as he went to the loading room to receive the person who would be coming aboard. After he left the room was deadly silent. You could feel Maria's scalding glare in the side of your head and knew Paul was probably giving you some look of contempt too.

You stayed in the same spot. Not bothering to change your expression or move your gaze. You heard Hubert come up behind you and wrap an arm around you, rubbing your shoulder.

" It's gonna be ok Y/N." he whispered into your ear. You turned your head slightly in his direction to acknowledge him. But still didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Robert walked back in with a tall guy wearing a science jacket, and a person dressed as a general. They all walked into the room and the General frowned when he saw the empty tank.

"Where is it?" the man asked in a deep, gruff voice. The lab hand he had with him kept looking around, trying to soak everything in. Robert Looked to the ground before looking back up and opening his mouth to speak.

" One of our scientist's disagreed with the orders given at hand, and in the middle of the night she snuck into the lab and set it free."

"WHAT!" the general shouted making the lab hand next to his jump. " Who?" he shouted to Robert, his face turning a bright shade of red. You could practically see the steam rising from his head.

" It was Ms. L/N," Robert said, nodding his head over to you. The General quickly snapped his head in your direction He stomped his way over to you and stuck his face so close to yours that you could feel the hot breath coming from his nose.

" Do you have any idea what you have done?!" He shouted in your face. You took a deep breath to keep from snapping right back at him.

" Yes sir, I saved a creature that didn't need to die, and nothing you can say will make me think that I did not do the right thing," you said back to him calmly. He gritted his teeth at your reply.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now