A curious Find

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You had just barely finished the pasta on your plate when something in Hubert's pocket started beeping. Everyone paused and looked over at him. He swore under his breath before rummaging through his pocket and pulling out some sort of watch. After a second he looked up at everyone.

" Sorry but we're gonna have to continue this later, I just got called into duty," he said before standing up with a groan and making his way toward the door.

" Right now?" you replied looking over at Jack and Paul.

" Yeah, Robert wants me out tonight to see if I can found special creatures that only come out during the night, he also wants to be to get some deep water ferns for Maria," Hubert said, looking back at you guys

" I think the word you're looking for is Nocturnal, Hubert," Jack said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Hubert just scoffed at him and continued out the door.

" wait!" you called " I'll help ya suit up!" you shot up from the couch and ran after him. you both continued down the hall for a little bit, sometimes going through glass walkways where you could see the water and ocean life outside. There was very little light left. after a while the two of you entered a circular brown room with enough room to fill a big group of people. you didn't know why there was only six of you down here on a really important mission such as this, but hey at least you had been one off the six people chosen, so you couldn't complain.

the room smelled a lot like seaweed and every step you took echoed a little. Hubert started over to where the suits were hanging and started to get himself ready, you walked over, assisting him on putting it on. It was halfway on when you started talking again.

" is it scary down there? being all by yourself? are you ever worried? He looked up at your question and smirked a little bit.

" Sometimes, yeah. sometimes it's creepy especially on night missions like this. And sometimes I worry because most of the time I'm the only one out there, although every now and then Jack will come on a mission with me, he knows how to work the suits too.

" But isn't he the one to lower you down and bring you back in when your done?" you asked, a little concerned for him

" well, yeah, but Paul knows how to do that to, so when Jack and I go out he's the one who lowers us and brings us back in. he said giving you a comforting smile.

" well that's good to know," you said, a little relieved. You continued helping him put on his suit. it was a special suit specifically designed for his type of missions. It had a lot of tools that came with it in case he needed to cut or drill something. Probably to get the flora for Maria. It also possessed special holding equipment so he could bring specimens back to the base, so you could do research on them.

It was designed to not harm whatever it was holding, so the animals were safe inside of the containers. None of the specimens were harmed at the base, all the animals that were brought in were studied by examination, and some cells taken from them. then they were tagged and set free again. It was against protocol at the moment to dissect any of them.

you helped Hubert get his air tanks settled in and made sure everything was connected and ready for him to submerge. As he was putting his helmet on Jack walked through the door. He walked over to a control panel that was one end of the room and waited until Hubert was ready.

You walked over to stand next to jack as Hubert gave himself one final check over. You were curious to see how it worked so maybe you could help them out with it sometime in the future. Hubert stood straight and gave jack a thumbs up. Jack looked back down at the panel, his brown eyes scanning over it as he flipped switches and pressed buttons. After a few seconds, he pulled a lever down.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu