12-He ate the whole sandwich??

Start from the beginning

"Hi baby!" I talk to him as I rub his ears, he starts to groan making all of us laugh

"He is all updated on his shots, he usually gets about five cups of food a day, three in the morning and two at night" Shelby tells us as she hands Beck his leash

"Thank you so much" I smile at her "I promise we'll take good care of him"

"I have a feeling y'all are good people. He's an amazing dog, so I trust you'll take care of him" she nods

"He's adorable"

"Yeah he's a big baby. Just a warning, he likes circles and he'll prance like a pony when he's really happy. Like when he wants to be let out, he won't bark like a normal dog, he'll prance around in circles until he's let out. And then whenever he has a toy or treat he has to show it off to everyone before he does anything with it." She tells us making both of us laugh

"Sounds like he has quite the personality" Beck chuckles as Tiny rubs his head against his leg

"he's the most expressive dog I've ever met" Shelby laughs

"Thank you" I say again smiling

"No thank you, he's an amazing dog"

"I bet"

"Well if there are any problems, you message me, it was nice meeting y'all" Shelby says before we start back to Becks truck

"You too!" I smile before hopping in the back seat with Tiny

"Hi buddy" I smile at the panting dog beside me who just gives me a sloppy kiss along the side of my face

"I love him already" I smile as tony plops his head into my lap

One week later

"Tiny! DUDE! Off!" I yell at Tiny as he once again reaches into the counter and grabs my sadwhich.

He's kind of a giant, and because of his height he can just reach up on the counter and grab whatever the hell he wants, this time it was my fucking sandwich.

"Cage!" I yell at him and he very obediently slinks up to my room where his cage is. That's the one thing he actually listens to, well that and "sit the fuck down" but he won't listen unless I say fuck. It's honestly hilarious, we'll be sitting at dinner and I'll calmly tell him to sit but it doesn't work so in the calmest voice possible I'm over there going "Tiny, sit the fuck down".

"Belle!" Em yells

"Kitchen!" I yell back

"Hey girlie" she smiles as Tiny comes running back down the stairs

"Tiny! Gimme hugs bud!" She coos as she lats her chest

Tiny instantly hops up, giving her hug before running back over to me and sitting nicely besing me

"No you aren't getting anything, you already ate my first sandwhich" I say to him before walking over to Em at the kitchen table

"He ate your sandwich?" Em questions, following em to the kitchen table

"Yep, took it right off the counter" I huff

"Oh dude that's not a good idea" she says to Tiny "she a bitch when you take her food"
Tiny just huffs and puts his head down

"I love you baby" I pat his head with a smile, he licks my hand before resting his head down again

"He is so your dog" Em laughs

"I know, my brothers keep trying to find ways to be his favorite but we all really know it's me" in laugh as I hand Tiny the last bit of my sandwich

"C'mon bud let's go" I tell him as Em and I walk up stairs, he follows and hops on my bed once we reach my room.

"So uh Arrex told me something" she says uneasily

"Oh no" I huff as I sit down next to her "what's up?"

"He was afraid to tell you so he asked me to. Your grandparents are coming in for the twins birthday" she says quickly as if ripping off a band-aid

"What?!" I yell as I jump up "No! We are only obligated by my mother to see them once a year during Christmas, that was the deal"

"Well your mom wants them to see the twins for their eighteenth," she sighs

"I hate them" I huff, I didn't necessarily hate them as a whole, it was more my grandmother, Judy. I hate her. I wouldn't really mind just seeing my grandfather, he didn't talk much anymore. He used to when I was little.

"I know but they'll only be here for four to five hours max" she nods as I rest my head on her shoulder

My mother left us just before I had turned nine. It took months but my parents got a divorce and somehow, my mother won joint custody. It still baffles me because of the simple fact that she hated half of us. She was the one that wanted a lot of kids but then dropped them as soon as things got hard. Anyways, she moved to Chicago and made a deal with my dad. We could live with him full time as long as she got her money and we would meet with our grandparents at least once a year.

"Everthing will be okay, we'll be able to have real fun afterwards" she smiles sympathetically and I nod

I tried to look on the bright side of things, at least it wasn't my mother.

"So did she tell you?" Ace asks as he, Arrex, Colton, Beck and my dad sit down for dinner

"Yeah, Em told me, I don't care" I huff

"Well all hate them Belle but mom said she wanted them to see us for our eighteenth" Arrex Adds

They were the favorites, not that I really cared. Mom loved the twins, zach and Colton. she was nice to them. Ryan, Beck and I, not so much. The only person who knew the truth about my mother besides Ryan was Caleb , and he found out by accident.

"It's fine, they are coming Friday right?" I ask, that would be tomorrow night.

"Yes, they won't be coming for the real family dinner and we are going out to Giovanni's" my dad tells me, making me feel a little more comfortable

"And" Arrex starts to say excitedly "Em, Tyler and Caleb can all come"

"Oh thank god" I huff out, visibly relaxing in my seat

"Yeah Jordan and Wes would come but Wes has a thing with his dad Friday night and Jordan has to watch Julia" Ace says referring to Jordans ten year old sister

"It's fine I'm happy that they're going at least, maybe this won't be as horrible as I thought" I state and they nod along with me. Hopefully I'm right

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