Chapter 46: The Kiss

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Just corrections - 27/3/19

Chapter 46 <> The Kiss

 Chapter 46 <> The Kiss

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Emptiness. It was far from a foreign sensation for Cheryl Blossom. Her whole life had been consistently infected by the lack of ability to feel, with the worst period of struggle being during the time between losing Jason and catching the attention of CJ. It was strange, really, how just as her heart finally began to warm after the loss of her dearest relative, it was frozen once more by a devil incarnate called Penelope Blossom. Deep down Cheryl supposed she should have expected it... and, as she sat amongst her sympathetic queer peers while staring blankly at the old school propaganda movie, she couldn't help but think back to her first scandalous experience.

Heather. A pretty girl who had no idea what she was getting into in relation to the Blossom family. Jason had known about the blossoming relationship between the two from the offset, and had always been encouraging of Cheryl by repeatedly ordering her to follow her heart no matter the consequences. He was always the first and usually only person to accept Cheryl for everything she was, only to be matched by Heather (her very first crush).

Looking back, how Penelope had reacted upon seeing the two sharing a bed with the slightest amount of intimacy should have been a blaring warning sign. But for some reason, Cheryl hated to constantly expect the worst from her very own mother, even when Penelope had emanated her true colours on various occasions. And that was probably the main reason for Cheryl finding herself in the current situation. The only glimmer of hope remaining in her empty soul was a boy named CJ Jones, which was incredibly ironic considering the fact that her mother had dumped her in conversion therapy and told the Sisters that her daughter was one hundred percent gay.

CJ. Despite the situation, Cheryl felt the corners of her lips peak the tiniest bit upwards at the thought of his earlier visit. Just the sight of him alone had provided her with the strength to power through the merciless bullying from Sister Woodhouse and the accompanying strenuous labour. Even as she sat with a cool tear surfing slowly down her right cheek, forced to watch a projection so old that she could barely make out the gender of each person being shown, CJ brought the smallest smile to her features.

He promised to get her out as soon as he possibly could and she had believed his every word. As time continued to pass, however, and there was no sign of any rescue team to extract her from the foreboding facility, the spark of hope by the name of CJ Jones began to lose its intensity. It still remained deep within; at this point it would never go... but it still didn't halt the tears that had built up behind Cheryl's external walls for far too long.

As Cheryl remained deep within the dark caverns of her suffering mind, the trio of CJ, Toni, and Veronica were in caverns of another description.

"Lodge," CJ started when he had descended the ladder. The three moved out into the damp tunnel; while Toni and Veronica adjusted the beams on their torches, CJ was clicking the safety off of his handgun. "Can I just ask: what the fuck is that?"

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