Interlude: Overthinking

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I think it's time for me to take a break for now. As therapeutic as it would be for a rant paragraph detailing why I'm struggling to write anything at all currently, I'll just leave it with the fact that there's a girl that's seriously messing with my head right now and even though I'm aware that it's fucking me over big time, I just can't help myself:/ Regardless, I'll be back with another update as soon as I can, and thanks for all the support that this book has received so far, you guys are the best!

Interlude <> Overthinking

"Can't you do it?" CJ snapped at Adam, yanking the gun out of the back of his black jeans in irritation as he threw himself down on the chair behind his desk

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"Can't you do it?" CJ snapped at Adam, yanking the gun out of the back of his black jeans in irritation as he threw himself down on the chair behind his desk. He dropped the gun onto the wood carelessly and sank into the seat as he rubbed his forehead repeatedly in response to stress. "You know how fuckin' busy I am with all this crap - I don't have time to chase down a punkass from Greendale because he's been late on a couple payments, alright?"

"I just figured you'd wanna know." Adam mumbled, looking down at his nervously shuffling feet. "I can ask around and see if any of the guys are free to sort it all out?"

"You know what?" CJ questioned rhetorically while he ripped open one of the drawers behind the desk and pulled out both a box of cigarettes and a lighter. "Send me the info and I'll drive out later." He instructed, placing a cigarette between his teeth before lighting it up and taking a long drag. The smoke escaped the back of his throat artistically, curling in cloudy white patterns as Adam watched on in a haze. "I bet a shakedown'll actually do me some good, it'll help get the stress out, you know?"

"You don't have to." Adam stated calmly. "I can speak to the guys about it and then you can maybe call up your girl instead to get rid of some of the tens-"

"Shut your mouth." The leader of the Ghoulies said sternly, shooting the blonde teen a sharp glare.

"I'm just saying." Adam replied nonchalantly, somewhat missing the hint to not broach the subject further. "And I mean since you're now in charge here and all, if your girl is getting a bit cold on you, you could always take your pick from one of your working women." Looking back, CJ was unsure why he was suddenly so triggered by Adam's insinuations. He knew deep down that the Ghoulie had no intention of maliciousness with his words, but that didn't stop CJ from grabbing the gun on his desk furiously and pointing it at his peer.

"I said: shut your fuckin' mouth." CJ snarled.

Potentially, the main root of his anger stemmed from suggestions that he'd be more than willing to cheat on Cheryl if she refused to - simply, yet coarsely stated - put out. But then, perhaps there was also a minuscule segment of the sudden agitation that arose solely from sexual tension; no matter how many nights Cheryl spent at CJ's apartment, they never seemed to get past sensual touching and the occasional make out.

Was there something wrong in their unlabelled relationship that put a stop to them progressing?

How could Cheryl still not be ready?

The thought remained in CJ's mind throughout the day, especially during his drive to Greendale. The annoyance at the unanswered questions and the low-key insecurity made him much more aggressive than usual; even though the money owed had been handed over, the leader of the Ghoulies had still removed both thumbs and shattered the dealer's teeth to pieces with a nearby kitchen stool.

It was safe to say that CJ was in an increasingly foul mood when he left the apartment and it certainly wasn't lessened when he reached his car, because perched on the hood was a blonde haired girl dressed in a maroon sweater and magically flared jeans. Just underneath her feet was a lazy black cat, watching the road in front of him with drooping eyes.

"Hello stranger." The girl said, immediately noticing CJ as he moved towards the car. There were notable splotches of blood on his old grey t-shirt, but her ocean blue eyes simply roamed over them in acknowledgment before acting as if they weren't there. "This is your car, I take it?" CJ nodded stiffly, folding his arms once he stood a few feet in front of her. "I've not seen you around here before, and I like to think I know everybody..."

"Yeah, I ain't a local." CJ filled in, not bothering to suppress his cold tone. At this point, he just wanted to head back to Riverdale for a drink to take his mind off of his anxieties about his (basically but not broadcasted) relationship with Cheryl. "So why're you on my car and just who the fuck are you?" He asked, pulling the keys out of his jeans pocket as a sign that he wasn't staying.

"I'm Sabrina." She stated calmly. "Sabrina Spellman."

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