Chapter 34: The Classics

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Okay so first of all there may be some smut in the future you dirty legends...😉 second, the fact that this book sits at the top of most Riverdale related tags for days on end makes me an incredibly happy human being so thank you all for continuing to read, especially when Wattpad seems to be unnecessarily clearing all of my notifications lately so I can't see you guys🙄lastly, I'm considering going as Cheryl for a Halloween party this weekend so wish me luck!

Chapter 34 <> The Classics

"She's got the look, she's got the look, she's got the look, she's got the look

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"She's got the look, she's got the look, she's got the look, she's got the look..." CJ found that he couldn't stop himself from murmuring along to the classic Roxette as he sat behind his desk at the Ho Zone, doing a mix of signing off crooked paperwork and sending off discreet emails to make sure everything on the business side of things was in order. It was a Thursday, meaning it was also CJ's newly implemented 80's themed night at the club. It was his favourite night to spend time working at the club, simply due to the fact that the bass of the speakers pounded against the back wall of the office. Some would deem it a distraction but for CJ Jones there was truly nothing like signing sorting out the week's wages with his feet on the desk and an icy vodka and coke to his right.

"Hola, guten tag, namaste, hello you sexy bastard!" CJ's brows rose in both surprise and amusement as Adam stumbled through the office door, clearly enjoying a night off from working security at the club.

"Hello to you too bro." CJ replied, gesturing for the blonde to occupy the seat in front of the desk. Adam dropped himself down onto said furniture and placed his glass of beer down near to the edge of the desk. "Is there anythin' you actually need or have you just decided to be all drunk in my space because the girls would kick your ass to the North and back if you got up in theirs?"

"Uh, well if I'm being honest it's a bit of both."

"Business first." CJ drawled out, speaking as if he were explaining something to a young child; it was obvious that Adam was at least borderline intoxicated and CJ had discovered that a condescending tone was the easiest way to get through to the Ghoulie in the past.

"It's just that, uh, two of the girls handed in their notices in the last few weeks and we kinda, sorta, haven't been able to get a replacement, I guess." Adam explained, avoiding the gaze of the leader.

"What?" CJ questioned deeply. "Two? I thought it was only one and you had it handled... you fuckin' idiot."

"I thought I did." Adam mumbled petulantly as he stared down at his hands. "But you know how it is man, I'm sorry."


"I know."

"Look just advertise a little more, we ain't in desperate need at the moment." CJ grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose as he reached for his vodka and coke. "I'll talk to some of the other chicks about pickin' up a couple more shifts and whatever in the meantime. Maybe look a bit further outta town? Riverdale's as dry as your sex life." Adam gave a brief glare while his boss chuckled at the joke, but soon broke into a smile knowing that it was in good humour. Behind the wall of the office, the significantly obvious beat of Soft Cell's biggest hit kicked in and CJ couldn't help but grin as he pointed at the back wall. "Hey, hey, hey, you hear that?"

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