Chapter 27: Anxious Claustrophobia

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Important chapter, minor corrections - 20/6/19

Chapter 27 <> Anxious Claustrophobia

CJ woke up in nothing more than darkness

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CJ woke up in nothing more than darkness. As he tried to regain his senses and fight off the pounding pain in the back of his head, CJ began to feel around only to find that there was wood in every direction. Anxiety began to pulse through his blood just as it used to when he was a young child; he figured he'd grown out of it, but the sense of not knowing where he was and the feeling of having utterly nowhere to go triggered the all too familiar aching in the top of his stomach and the immense struggle to breathe.

CJ's hands immediately went to whatever was above him, only to find that it didn't move no matter how hard he desperately pushed. Small grains of dirt began to fall through the cracks between the wood and the situation finally registered in CJ's cluttered mind.

He'd been buried alive.

"Oh wow." He muttered, trying to catch his breath as he covered his mouth with his right hand. "Oh god." He spoke again, this time into his palm. "Fuck, shit, fuck." The obvious claustrophobia began to creep in and mesh with the established anxiety as CJ began to dig through his pockets, silently praying to the gods that his phone had been left inside. "Thank god." CJ gasped, finding it hard enough to breathe in the box while his body worked against him as well. He plucked the phone out of the inside pocket of his denim jacket and it immediately lit up, causing him to squint at the foreign brightness as he rushed to turn it down to the lowest possible.

"Please have signal." CJ pleaded, noticing a single, tiny bar remaining in the top left corner. He clearly wasn't too far underground, but actually calling and getting through to someone would be a bit of a challenge. It was completely understandable that CJ wasn't in the sanest state of mind, but he still managed to find the contact name of someone he knew he could rely on.

"Please answer." CJ begged in a whisper, struggling to move the phone up towards his ear due to the enclosed space as the phone did its best to dial. The phone beeped a couple of times before finally coming to a stop; CJ automatically thought the worst, but it appeared luck was certainly on his side when he heard a voice he'd been pleading to hear.

"You don't usually call." Cheryl stated, although CJ found it quite difficult to hear her because of the terrible connection. He knew he had to be straight to the point, as there was no knowing how long he'd have the single bar for.

"Cheryl," He gasped out, trying to emphasise the seriousness of the situation by using her full name. "I need you to listen to me, okay?"

"CJ?" Cheryl asked. "Where are you? I can hardly hear anything you're saying?"

"I've been buried alive!" CJ said urgently. "I've been buried somewhere and I don't know where I am."


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