Chapter 2: Sugarcoat Sugarman

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    Chapter 2 <> Sugarcoat Sugarman

"A few friends, huh?" CJ Jones whistled to himself as he observed the current state of Archie's house from the sidewalk

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"A few friends, huh?" CJ Jones whistled to himself as he observed the current state of Archie's house from the sidewalk. The bass was thumping all the way down the street, and the shouting from the backyard could be heard clearly from his position. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his silver studded leather jacket, hoping that he wouldn't stick out too much in the sea of drunk Northsiders once inside.

In all honesty, CJ was always one for a raging party over on his preferred side of the tracks. On this side however, he was slightly hesitant about entering alone. A sudden thought flew at him out of nowhere.

Jughead Jones hated people.

Ever since they were kids he'd been glued to the wall like a fly at every social event. Knowing this, CJ immediately knew that his brother wouldn't be loitering in the living area with the crew of dancing teens by the window. Thinking back to his childhood, CJ remembered Archie's house having a garage. If Jughead was anywhere at the party then it would be hidden away in there like the hermit his brother had accused him of being.

CJ made his way to the quaint garage, stepping out of the way of two drunk teens as they stumbled off of the property to god knows where. Looking down he couldn't help but groan at the fact that he'd stood in some mud; it had curled around the sole of the right boot and was creeping up over the toe.

"Fucking keggers." CJ grumbled to himself as he wiped his foot over some nearby grass to take some of the dirt off. After cleaning the boot to the best of his ability, CJ cracked open the side door and chuckled at the classic image. Jughead sat grumpily in the armchair, focusing on petting Archie's dog.

"CJ?" Jughead looked up in disbelief as his distant brother made his way further into the garage. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Conniving Cooper called in a favour." CJ stated bluntly, watching as his brother rose from the seat. "She asked me to come."

"Of course she did." Jughead sighed in exasperation. "First Dad, now you. What's next, CJ? Jellybean?"

"Doubt it." He snorted in reply. "What's with the kegger? You hate people."

"Betty's idea of inner circle was flushed down the toilet when Cheryl Blossom and Chuck Clayton appeared with the crashing committee."

"So you decided to hide in here?" CJ asked, receiving a nod from Jughead as a reply. "Dude... what the hell?"

"What?" Jughead snapped bitterly. "You know better than anyone that this isn't me CJ! Maybe if you'd have actually been around lately then you'd have been able to put a stop to it."

"Jug." He said calmly, placing his tattooed hands on his brother's shoulders to steady him. Jughead looked down at all the new additions in surprise, not knowing that CJ had become so fond of inking his own skin. "I get that you like your own company and all that shit, but you gotta listen to me for a moment, right?"

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