seventeen ; you don't love me

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     It was dark. My senses struggled to get a sense of where they were and what was happening. I don't fully remember what happened, where I was, how I got here. My eyesight eventually adapted to the darkness, and I was able to see a dim light from afar. I heard quiet voices, talking amongst one another. I couldn't comprehend what they were saying.

     I was still a bit hazy from what I assume was chloroform that they gave me. I'm not too sure. There was one thing I did know. I was scared. I wanted to go home. I didn't want to be here. Assuming I was even still in Oregon. 

     Eventually I was able to see a figure step towards me. He walked quietly, and he dressed in all black. I'll give him style points for that. 

     "The boss wants to see you now." he quietly murmured. His voice was low and deep. I didn't respond.

     He dragged me along the dark abyss of wherever the hell I was. Maybe an abandoned warehouse? Seems a bit cliche in my opinion. It was big, I'll tell you that. If anyone spoke loud enough it would probably echo throughout the building.

     We soon stopped at an area where the light shined the brightest. Not too bright, just enough. I heard the voices again, this time a bit louder than before. It soon stopped. Then I heard a voice directed towards me.

     "Do you know how long I've wanted to find you, (Y/N)?" it asked. This voice was different than the other. It was deep, still, but his tone was different. Not monotone, but familiar.

      I didn't respond to him either. I simply shook my head in response.

     "It's been a long time. I've missed you." he responded quietly. 

     "But I don't know you." I finally said. It earned a soft chuckle from him.

     "Oh but you do. It's been a while since you ran away from home, (Y/N). But now you're back. You're home." He replied. He stepped into the light, and I knew who he was instantly. I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach.

     "Dad." I stated coldly. 

     He gave a slight frown. I could care less. "Come now, is that any way to greet your father?"

     I scoffed. "Please, you were nothing like a father to me. All you ever did was beat me and tell me I wasn't good enough for you."

     "And I was right!" He yelled. "I was right," he repeated, but in a lower tone. "You should be grateful to me. I took you in after your mother passed away, gave you a home, gave you food, I cared for you, (Y/N)."

     "But you don't love me." 

     He didn't say anything for a moment. "Maybe." He paused for a moment, "I see you and that John kid are getting along swimmingly."

     "Quite. So why did you decide to come after me after all this time. You clearly want something." I stated. 

     "Straight to the point, aren't we?" he mused. "Well, if you must know. I've been running a little short on...well, inventory."


     "Yes, I mean, human trafficking is a hard business after all!" He laughed. This guy was a fucking maniac. He wasn't like this when I left.

     "What the fuck? You're trafficking people now?"

     He pouted and caressed my cheek, I wanted to bite his fingers off right then and there. "Yes, my dear. See, selling drugs was  working. But someone ratted us out and we were forced to go underground." he hissed.

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