six ; the best gift here is you

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lmAo im sorry i missed yesterday, me and my family were celebrating christmas so i didn't get the chance to do anything. so here's a christmas special chapter :^))


     I let out a tired groan as I fluttered my eyes open. I turned around and found John next to me on the bed. I smiled softly as I watched him sleep. After a while I got out of bed and went out into the living room. I browsed my phone until I gazed at the date. December 25th.

     I darted back into John's room and leaped onto the bed. "John! John! John! John! Wake up!" I pleaded. He groaned and pushed me off to the side of the bed.

     "What- what time is it (Y/N)?" he asked groggily.

     "It's 8:45?" I replied. He buried his face into his pillow again.

     "If its before 10 am it's too early." he said, drifting back to sleep.

     I pouted and laid on top of him. He grunted softly. "Don't you fucking dare reenact Frozen on top of me."

     I giggled and got off him. "But Johnny" I pleaded. "It's Christmas." I pouted next to him again. He sighed and got up. He smiled softly as he looked at me.

     "You have the best bed head I've ever seen." He chuckled softly. I playfully punched him and he giggled. "Aw, now she thinks she can be tough? I don't think so." He smiled. He pushed me down onto the bed and began to tickle me. I giggled and he laughed as well. The tickle fight went on for about five minutes until we stopped at each other's gaze towards each other. 

      I gazed at him and smiled unconsciously. He did too. I felt a blush creep up my neck and John looked into my eyes. "You're really cute, you know, (Y/N)?"

      I blushed deeply and chuckled softly. "So are you, Johnny." 

     John leaned down slowly as our lips almost met. Jaren cleared his throat and knocked on the door gently. I jumped a bit in surprise and John pulled away. John glared at him and Jaren chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, did I interrupt something, or-"

    I shook my head. "No, Jaren. You didn't." I looked at John and quickly looked away. I bit my lip and smiled a bit. "Well, seeing as we're all here, let's go downstairs already!" I raced down the stairs and John and Jaren followed soon after. I saw Jaren and John talking with each other quietly. I tilted my head a bit before I remembered the gift I had got for John a few days back. I searched the tree for the small box and smiled as I found it. I headed over to John and gave it to him. 

     He looked at me curiously. "You got a gift for me?"

     "Of course I did. It's the least I could do for letting me live here with you." I replied. He smiled and opened the gift. He opened the box and inside was a mood ring. He gasped playfully.

     "Oh my god are you proposing to me?" He chuckled. I giggled and smiled. "No, seriously though thank you. Although its gonna be in a depressed color most of the time. Except when you're around."

     I looked at him. "What does that mean?"

     "It means I'm less of a depressed piece of shit when I'm around my favorite person."

    Jaren looked at him and pouted. "I thought I was your favorite person!" John chuckled.

     "Now you're favorite person number two. Sorry, can't beat the facts." John replied. Jaren laughed and the rest of us proceeded to open the gift we had each gotten for each other. I had eyed a certain small box but John pleaded that I open that one last. I didn't know why, but I went along with it. 

     Eventually the time came along and John finally said that I could open the last one. The box was light to the touch and after I unwrapped it I was met with a small little note card that simply read "you". 

    I looked at John curiously and he smiled at me. "What does this mean?" I asked. He looked at me. 

    "You, (Y/N), are the best gift I could've ever asked for. And I mean that. You've been there for me through so much and the fact that I get to see you so much more now makes me so happy. I couldn't ask for anything more than you today. You being here is a blessing to me and I'm so glad you're in my life." He said, he had trouble finding the words at some point, but he got the point across just fine. I ran over to him and hugged him.

     "Thank you so much, John. I mean it." I replied. John hugged back and chuckled softly. Jaren gave out a soft "aw" and smiled. 

     I won't lie, the amount of hints that John and I had been dropping between each other was getting pretty obvious. Even Jaren teased the both of us, but I'm not exactly sure what was going on here. John is my best friend, and I've known him for practically my entire life. A part of me wants to stay his friend, but a stronger part of my soul just....longs for something more. It's like there's an unspoken thing between us, but none of us have the balls to actually confess it to each other....which is exactly what makes it an unspoken thing. (hi im a marvel nerd)

      After the rest of us were done opening our gifts, we decided it was time to get out the alcohol. However, with me being 20, (go along with it) that was illegal. But hey, someone's gotta look after these drunk asses after they get a hold of their alcohol. Maybe thirty minutes passed and they were well into their 2nd bottle of beer. Jaren suddenly remembered he had planned something for me and John. John looked at me in curiosity and I simply shrugged. I took one last inhale from my vape and placed it down on the table before blowing out a white cloud of smoke.

     Jaren led us to the hallway near the living room and we looked at him. "Jaren what exactly is your surprise?"

     "Well, I can't tell you yet but you'll figure it out once we get there. Now if you keep following me, you'll see that we have the living room, and now that you've officially stopped under the mistletoe, I suggest we get things going." Jaren replied. John and I looked above us and low and fucking behold there it fucking was.

     I didn't even realize that Smitty had gone through the trouble of having to hang it up there nor did I even see the damn thing hanging from the doorway. "So now, I'm assuming that you want Me and John to.. y'know-" I asked.

     "Well, that's up to you, but I definitely encourage it." he replied.

     John and I looked at each other, both of us blushing deeply. I tiptoed up and placed a small kiss on his cheek and smiled at the both of them. "That should do it, hmm?" I say, a small smirk on my face, hiding the darker blush that tried to creep up onto my face. I raced up to the room and quickly shut the door, leaning my back against it. 

     That moment proved everything I tried to deny myself for so long now. I was head over heels for this boy.


next scheduled update: thursday | december 27, 2018


whats up GAMERS im so fucking sorry that I wasn't able to get this done yesterday, but with it being christmas, here's a christmas chapter. it kinda follows the story line but it goes back to the regular one. I am still updating tomorrow so stay tuned for that lol. anyway hope u guys enjoy it!! love u guys

stay frosty and stay alive



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