twenty-one ; you

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     About a month had passed since the whole incident, and things were slowly getting back into swing. I explained everything to everyone and made a whole video on the whole thing. I was skeptical about doing it, but I took it as a way to promote the topic of people who were in a similar situation as I. As troubling as it seemed, the whole idea isn't talked about a whole lot, so I decided to shed some light on the subject.

    John and I spent more time with our careers, and at the moment I felt more inspired than ever. All of us moved with Kugo and Jay, and being closer to Craig and Sami, it was just a bunch of shenanigans waiting to happen. 

      With the moving, the videos, our sleep schedules were fucked. John going to bed at 6am fucked. I pulled all nighters, but took breaks when needed. When I wasn't recording or editing, I spent time in John's room while he was editing, helping and such, adding small details to the video that add a comedy aspect to it, the both of us letting out giggles whenever we watched back the footage. 

      Dates were often late at night, consisting of late night walks together, star-gazing, but our favourite, staying in and ordering a pizza, whilst cuddling and watching youtube together would always be number one. 

      And that's what we were doing. It was a quiet night, and John and I had finished all of our work for the day, and decided to watch a few YouTube videos together in bed. The both of us exchanging quiet remarks to one another as well as giggling quietly because of the videos.

     Following YouTube, we decided to switch it over to some Netflix. After about thirty minutes of trying to find what to watch, we settled on a movie, but unintentionally ended up browsing reddit in a search for memes, showing them to each other and laughing at what we found. 

     Though it seemed so simple, it meant a lot to me. This is what happiness felt like to me, it was a close relationship that we had built on our friendship as well as our love for memes. But it was good. This was good. I was happy, and that was all that mattered.

     As we watched the movie quietly, I cuddled into John. He noticed this and chuckled softly, wrapping his arm around me gently. I laid there for a moment, taking in the moment, savoring it while I had the chance. 

     "John?" I muttered quietly, John looked down at me.


     "Thank you." I replied, he looked at me oddly.

     "For what?" he asked.

     "For always being there for me, for believing in me when I never believed in myself. They say that you can never really love someone until you love yourself. That's bullshit. I say you can love someone however and whenever you want. It's a small-ass world out here, but truth be told, I'm glad I got stuck with you." I beamed, John smiled at that, placing a soft kiss onto my forehead.

     "You're welcome, (Y/N). I told you I'd always be there for you. I made you a promise, and I intend on keeping it." He replied, stroking my cheek. 

     With that, we continued to cuddle the night away, when the movie ended we turned the TV off, telling each other sweet nothings until the early hours of the morning. This was life. This was love. And I'm glad that I have it.

     And it doesn't matter who you are, what you do, what you look like, or who you love. You may think no one loves you. But that's a lie. Someone out there loves you. Yeah the world is fucked up, but there's no rule that says you can't love who you want. There's no rule that says boys can't love boys, or girls can't love girls. So live how you want. And love how you want.

     And in your darkest hour where you think no one loves you, remember this. I love you. Who gives a damn about the people who say that you need to love yourself before you love someone else. Sometimes loving someone else and someone loving you is the key to learning how to love yourself. 

     Yeah, life fucking sucks, but who says we can't make it whatever the hell we want? I say fuck life. I say live life how you want to live it. Don't be bound by what society tells you to. Do what you tell you to do.

     I love you. Remember that.


i know i said that i was gonna extend this, but i think this is a good ending where it is now. however, i wanna do some imagines/scenarios after this in this book. in the meantime, im gonna take a break, get my inspiration back, etc. and i've been doing some thinking about my smii7y book. im going to finish off what scenario i had, then do imagines for that too. maybe. but for now, i deserve a break lmao.

i love you guys so much <3

stay frosty



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