twenty ; famous last words

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leave me and my my chemical romance song title chapters alone im emo smh


     The grip around my body tightened. The gun pressed into my head as I didn't know how to react. After countless times before looking forward to the end, I didn't realize how bad it felt. Maybe it was because I had a life now? I had someone who made me feel like life was worth living?

     Maybe I didn't deserve it. Maybe I was never meant to have this. And it was time for me to go. I didn't know. And maybe I never will. I looked at John for one last time, we muttered our 'I love you's' and I was ready for what was going to happen.

     I didn't bother listening to what my father was saying. Then I heard a gunshot. The moment happened too fast I wasn't even sure what happened. My body went numb, and I exhaled deeply.

     My father's body collapsed in front of me. The gun still in his hand, and a bullet in between his eyes in the forehead. I turned behind me and saw Jaren and another boy next to him, holding a gun.

     "Good riddance, bitch." Jaren murmured, "You've yee'd your last haw."

      I let out a quiet chuckle, running over to him and hugging him tightly, "Your timing is fucking impeccable." I said, him hugging me tightly in return, "But really, 'you've yee'd your last haw'? that's what you go with?"

     He let out a soft laugh, "I'm just glad you're okay, (Y/N)."

     John came from behind and hugged the both of us, "And so am I." He said, pressing kisses all over my face. 

     I blushed lightly, "John!"

     "Nuh-uh, I'm not letting go of you for the next three weeks. Also you're never leaving the house again without me."

     I giggled softly, "Please, after all of this I don't think I'm leaving my bed ever again." I saw John smile, that was a sight for sore eyes. I missed that. "Okay, but can we go home now? My throat hurts like shit and I am fucking tired."

     We smiled, I looked at the boy from earlier who held the gun, I didn't know who he was, but I was thankful to him. A lot.

     I walked over to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you." I muttered. 

     He gave a brisk nod, "You're welcome, it had to be done eventually. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

     John came up from behind me, "Thanks for everything, Jeremiah." He beamed.

     "No problem," he replied, "Now you guys should go. We'll explain to the police and stuff."

     Each of us nodded, heading out from the back and soon going home. The car ride was silent, ending up with me dozing quietly, I hadn't properly rested in a few days. I was glad to be going home. The thought of my father still lingering in the back of my head. It didn't phase me that much about what happened, I still wondered what went wrong.

     There was a time when he did care, when he did seem human. But it's weird to see what loss can do to people. Confusing. The man that I saw earlier today wasn't my father. That was someone completely different. It wasn't the man I grew up with, laughed with, cried with, and mourned with when my mother died. That man was gone. And I don't think we'd ever get him back.

      Maybe he his death was a good thing, it'd save a lot of lives, it was scary in that situation. And definitely not brought up to light in the public eye enough. It made me wonder about everyone else who was in that scenario. It makes me feel grateful for who I am, and where I am. But it also makes me mourn for all of those who weren't so lucky.

     When we arrived home, Craig was there. He engulfed me in a hug and I returned it, Sami soon following. They wanted me to explain everything that happened, it was a little too much to comprehend. I provided little details, but I was still tired, and John insisted that I get some rest before I tell the whole story. 

      They agreed with the idea, and I headed upstairs into the bedroom, going to take a shower going to sleep. I turned on the water, making sure it was warm. I stripped of my clothes and climbed into the shower after it was warm enough. I decided it wasn't warm enough, and turned the heat up a bit more. Steam begun to form in the shower, and I rested for a minute, letting the water pour onto my skin. It burned a bit, but it felt good. It made me feel alive.

     After I was finished, I climbed out, steam and vapor covering the mirror. I changed into more comfortable clothes, an oversized sweater and black leggings. I dried my hair a bit, and climbed into bed. 

      I slept for a few hours, but was lightly awoken by John climbing in along with me. He slipped his arm around my body and embraced my presence, I turned to face him and we shared cuddles for a moment.

     "I missed this," he murmured tiredly. I smile softly.

     "So did I, but I missed you most of the time." I said, placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. 

     We stayed in that position for a good while, sleeping quietly for the next few hours. By the time we awoke it was morning. Well, afternoon. It was 2 p.m., a standard waking up time. I attempted to get up, John soon pulling me back into his arms.

     "Nuh-uh", he said huskily, "I told you I wasn't going to let go of you for a good while. Now, cuddles." 

      I happily obliged, remaining in his embrace. This was nice. I missed this, I missed him, his embrace, his voice, his laugh, his presence, his smile, every fucking thing. I love him. And I know that now more than ever.



congrats! you're not dead! lmaooo that took a while. but your anxiety can go away now :) that's all the bad shit i had planned tbh. its gonna be a bunch of fluff from here on out, couple of vine references, and just vaping your lives away. its not the end though. i would say about twenty five or thirty or something would be where i'd end it. until then,, ily <3

stay frosty my dudes



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