twenty-three ; midnight shopping

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quick lil thing. there is a VERY underrated writer on here who's stories are so well done??? i love them. their name is _daddykryoz_ and this is a shoutout to you because i fucking love your work and you deserve some fucking ATTENTION. kinda uncalled for since i didnt exactly tell you i was gonna give u a s/o but u deserve it :)). go read their stories. you won't be disappointed :)


    I cursed audibly as John looked at me from the living room couch. It was a late night and the both of us were having a little break from editing. I decided I would have a little snack to help relax for a bit. Sadly, life decided to fuck me.

     "What's wrong?" John inquired.

     "I poured the cereal into the bowl but we don't have anymore milk." I pouted. 

     John snickered quietly and I looked at him, "John I swear to fucking god if you say I should pour water in it instead I'm not playing CS:GO with you for a month."

     "I didn't say anything," he said, trying to keep himself from actually saying it, a cheeky little smile pressed onto his face. "If it makes you feel better we'll go get milk right now."

     I looked at him, "Now? It's fucking 12 in the morning."

     "Exactly, so there's no one there at the store to judge us." he replied.

     "Point taken." I said, finally giving in, "fine, let's go get some fucking milk."

      We left the house and drove a good fifteen minutes to a walmart since that was really the only thing that was open right now. The parking lot was empty and upon actually entering the store the feeling of emptiness compared to the usual chaos a walmart is usually in started to make me feel slightly uncomfortable. 

      "This is fucking surreal." John pointed out, clearly sharing the same feeling as I was. "I feel like we've stepped into a dimension that is not bent by the laws of time nor space."

     I looked at him and chuckled quietly, "You need sleep."

     "And we need milk. So let's go." he said, quickly grabbing a cart from the area and heading out to the back of the store since that's where they're usually held. 

     We browsed the aisles we passed and made it to the dairy section, looking at the large gallon of milk, I giggled softly, John wanting to know what was funny.

     "Smii7y in his evolved form." I said, looking back on it now it probably wasn't even funny but the lack of sleep that the both of us were currently being in made it probably the funniest thing we'd ever heard.

     The both of us started laughing, and it wasn't until an employee working a night shift stared at us like we were fucking mental. Quickly brushing off the subject, we grabbed the milk we needed and left the dairy section. In time as well since there was a chill in that specific area that was starting to make me feel cold.

     We passed the pastry aisle and I stopped John to get a little snack on the way home. We looked through the section and John pointed out some "Little Debbie" items. 

     "Yo, it's Lil Debbie, gettin' ready to throw down the sickest beats and pastries of 2019." he joked, I laughed and we grabbed the ones that we wanted into the cart, and decided to leave.

     Checkout was pretty simple as we made it through the self-checkout aisles, since literally nothing was open. With that, we headed home, I got my cereal, John and I finished our editing, and the both of us got some much-needed sleep.


*looks around* well this sucks

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