Riku (Y/N's POV)

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I ran into the woods, and now I have no idea where I am. I'm so stupid! I punched a tree, and it created a dent. Great, my left arm's broken, and now I'm lost.

I feel so dizzy. I sat down next to a tree. My head hurts. Could an Incubus be near? I tried to keep alert. Slowly, my consciousness slipped away from me. Then everything faded into darkness.

3 hours later~

"Psst! Hey! Are you alright?" I heard someone whisper.

I opened my eyes. I jumped as I saw this boy kneeling in front of me. I quickly moved away from him. It turns out he wasn't a boy. He was actually a grown man.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I looked closely at him.

He was a bit taller than me when we both stood up. He was attractive all right. He was very slim, and didn't look like he could put up much of a fight. He wore glasses, and his hair was a beautiful light brown. His hair swept to the side of his face. Like a character from a fictional story. His brown eyes blended in with his hair. I bet many girls would fall for him.

"May I ask why you are out in the forest?" He adjusted his glasses.

"Looking for some people, what about you? You don't look very strong to be out here in this dangerous forest." I crossed my arms.

"I'm out here all day, everyday. It's special to me." This guy's a little weird.

"May I ask your name?" he asked.

"Kim Y/N. You?"

"My name is Haruno Riku." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Riku." I shook his hand and smiled.

He was blushing? I thought he would be a player or something.

"Is something wrong with your arm?" He pointed towards it because there was blood on it.

"I'm fine, I just fell," I lied. Riku didn't look like he believed me.

"Do you want to go to back to the town?" he suggested.

"Sure," I replied.

We walked side by side into town. Everyone looked at me. It was obvious why because I was bloody. Very bloody. I had guns at my side. A katana and dagger on my other side. Riku didn't seem to notice though. He was just smiling as if he didn't just meet an armed girl who was super bloody.

We walked to a random urgent care center. The lady at the front desk greeted us and told us to wait by the door. We waited. And waited. Until a doctor came out. He told us to come in the room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I was held up by something." The doctor motioned for us to take a seat.

"It's alright," Riku answered for me.

"Now, let me check your arm." I held out my left arm for the doctor to examine.

"My! What a serious injury! How did this happen?" The doctor looked very surprised.

"I fell."

"That can't be caused from falling. Someone or something must've done this." The doctor thought for a moment.

"It's probably nothing." I shrugged.

"I will put your arm in a cast. Do not take it off unless I say so. Come visit every week, so I can see how you're doing." The doctor put a cast on my arm and led us out.

"Good thing you have such a dependable boyfriend by your side." The doctor chuckled.

Riku turned bright red, and I shook my head.

"We're just friends."

"You two would make a great couple though. Too bad," the doctor sighed.

I paid at the front desk, and Riku and I exited the urgent care center.

"You're Japanese, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Riku still looked a little red.

"Your slight accent and your name. It's Japanese."

"I really have that big of an accent?" He looked nervous once again.

"No, it's actually quite hard to tell." I put my hands in my pockets.

"There you are!" We both turned around. It was Jiho.

"Oh, hey." I walked towards him. I noticed that Riku looked a bit annoyed.

"Where have you been?! And who's this random?!" Jiho checked me.

Jiho looked like he was about to have a panic attack because of my cast, and I'm hanging out with a new person.

"Calm down. This is Haruno Riku. He's a friend. And I was just in the woods when Riku found me. Apparently I had passed out," I told Jiho.

"Riku, this is Shin Jiho. Jiho, this is Haruno Riku." I let them look at each other.

It was a bit weird since they sort of looked like each other. Both light brown hair. Except Riku's was a bit lighter. Jiho was also a bit taller.

"Nice to meet you Shin." Riku smiled, but it didn't look like his normal smile.

"You too, Haruno." Jiho also looked a bit off.

They shook hands. It was an awkward shake though. It looked as though Jiho squeezed harder than he should've. Riku looked a bit in pain.

"Both of you. Quit. It." I stepped in between them.

Riku looked down, and Jiho looked to the side. They both wore a sour expression on their faces.

"I said. Quit. It. Or else." I glared at them.

"Alright alright." Jiho crossed his arms.

"Hey Y/N?" Riku asked. He wasn't looking at me. From the looks of it, he was looking down and blushing.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"C-Can I have your n-number?" Riku was playing with his fingers. He was obviously nervous.

"I just want to keep in touch," Riku said quietly.

"Sure. Hand me your phone." I held out my right arm.

"O-Okay!" Riku nervously gave me his phone.

I entered my number under the name of Kim Y/N. I also entered his number in my phone under the name of Haruno Riku. I gave him his phone back. He looked at it and blushed even harder. In a weird way, it was sort of cute seeing him all flustered. All guys have either flirted or just stared awkwardly. He was different. It was cute.

"T-Thanks! I-I must go now!" Riku ran off. A little weird but sorta cute? I chuckled a little.

"You always attract weirdos," Jiho sighed.

"That makes you one too." I giggled. He just looked at me blankly.

"You.. You just giggled!" Jiho pointed at me.

"Hey! It's not impossible for me to giggle or show emotions." I rolled my eyes.

"It's just so rare!" Jiho looked genuinely surprised.

"Here we go again.." I sighed and continued walking.

Jiho hurriedly tried to catch up with me.

"You snooze, you lose!" I shouted and ran as fast as I could.

"Hey! Wait!" Jiho was running after me.

I ran even faster and bumped into someone. Big mistake.
A/N: People in Asia normally call others by their last name if they aren't familiar with them yet. 💜

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