Chapter 26: Used to it

Start from the beginning

"No Amaze you are the right candidate" she says catching me off guard and making me look at her with a puzzled expression. I don't remember telling her my name and especially not my full name.

"How do you know my name?" I ask her with my eyebrows furrowed. She doesn't look up at me instead she continues to cook looking as if she's debating with herself whether she should say something or not.

"I was once JB's maid as well" she answers causing me to almost fall off the counter. She was JB maid which means she must care about him and probably knows about me because JB told her. I look up at her with a look of hope in my eyes, maybe this is my way out.

"Wait so you can help me out?" I ask her sitting up straight trying my best to hide my smile. Maybe she's my guardian angel who's come to save me so I can go back home. But there's one problem, which home?

"No honey, I do not take part in Ji Yong's dealings" she frantically begins to shake her head making me sulk. What was I even thinking? I'll never be free as long as I'm JB's weakness everyone will be out to get me. I should hate him for bringing this chaos in my life but I don't. Instead I'm just curious to why I'm so important to him.

"So you know that I'm not really a dealer? Why haven't you told Ji Yong?" I ask her with my eyebrows furrowed leaning next to her. She pauses for a second before brushing her forehead and giving me a quick smile. I can tell by the look in her eyes that she is conflicted that she doesn't know what to do.

"Like I said, as much as I'm Ji yong's maid I was also JB's" she repeats then returns her attention to the food. I smile at her feeling grateful, she doesn't know who I am yet she's willingly to protect me even though she is loyal to GD. I jump off the kitchen counter and begin to help her cook, she stares at me for a while before smiling and continuing to cook herself. "For some one who's just been kidnapped you seem too cheery" she comments making me snigger.

"Well I'm used to it" I respond with a smile on my face making her shake her head at me. They might of took my life away from me but they can never take my smile.

After dinner is cooked I help ahjumma set up the table, she still insists that I dress up but if anything I just want to strip down. The food smells amazing but we can't eat until GD comes down which is a bummer.

"Finally" I murmur as soon as I see GD step into the room with his famous glass walking stick making an annoying clanging noise. He glares at me before sitting down and clearing his throat signalling ahjumma to start to fish for him making me roll my eyes.

"Right Maze I know that you feel like you owe JB everything since he made you the amazing dealer you are but now you work for me" he demands making me scoff in response, he didn't even ask me to work for him he just assumed that I would. Even though I'm not a dealer I still feel slightly offended that he thinks I would just work for him so easily.

"I don't think so" I mumble sulking as I play with my food. Great now I've lost my appetite.

"You don't think so?! You work for me Amaze don't make me force you!" He shouts but I don't move I just sigh and stare at my plate. He can't scare me and he won't scare me because at the end of the day he's not gonna hurt me. I'm already getting bored here. "What were you doing at the white palace?" He asks me after he's calmed down.

"Inside work" I lie still refusing to give him any of my attention.

"What is JB planning Amaze?" He questions making me giggle. Of course he's asking me about JB why am I even surprised? You know this war of testosterone is beginning to piss me off, why am I stuck in the middle? Why couldn't it be another helpless chick?

"I need the bathroom" is all I can manage to say as I push my plate away and get up from my seat. I don't want to be in this room anymore I don't want to be in this house period but I can't escape, there's too much security. I leave the living room in silence and nobody stops me, all I hear is a mumble from GD but that doesn't stop me. I make my way up the stairs then I realise I don't know where the bathroom is. So I begin to look around desperate for the loo but every door I open it's just another empty room. A big mansion like this but no bathroom in sight. I see a door, a different door this one is red and has diamond studs on it, I know it's not the bathroom but I still open it out of curiosity. This room unlike the others is full with suitcases and a made bed one of the suitcases on the bed is filled with cash.

"What are you doing?" I hear a feminine voice beam causing me to jump and quickly close the suitcase.

"Holy shit you scared the crap out of me" I say as I grab my chest and look at the pretty tall woman in front of me. She's got a nice long weave on probably Brazilian and is wearing black jeans with a LV shirt and sunglasses.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" She asks me with her arms folded across her chest.

"I should be asking you the same-"

"No you really shouldn't" she cuts me off.

"Well I'm Maze just been kidnapped" I beam making her scoff at me.

"Ah so your the new dealer that has my Ji yong's knickers in a twist" she speaks up making me sigh.

"Yours?" I question.

"I'm Shanell, his first love"

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