chapter twenty-one

Mulai dari awal

I nodded before wandering down the hall to find Liam's bedroom. I found it quickly considering there were only two rooms and the bathroom.

"Liam?" I said, knocking and pushing the door open. "Could we talk?"

"I already said I have nothing to say to you." He was laying on his bed, facing away from me.

"Then can I talk?" I asked, sitting down on the other side of his bed.

Liam didn't say anything, his body moving up and down at a steady rate from his breathing.

"I've already apologized for what I did in London, so I'm not going to waste my time saying I'm sorry because you already know I am. What I want to tell you, is that I'm done playing games and I miss you. I'm tired of only going to work and then home to sleep. It's not fulfilling to me and I don't want to be with anyone else. I think," I paused to take a breath and Liam turned over, his warm brown eyes meeting mine. "I think I'm falling for you. I've been falling for you since the first time I saw you, but I didn't want to admit it. Then you were saying things like you thought love was pointless, that we would never be together and I got discouraged. It made me think that you had given up, that you didn't want to be with me." I stopped talking, since I felt as though I was rambling.

Liam was silent and I didn't know how to take it. I chewed on my lip as we locked eyes for a few moments. "Alright , well I'm going to see if they need anymore help with dinner," I said awkwardly and padded out of his room.

I found that Niall and Sarahi had all of the food now on the table but they were standing near the kitchen counter. Niall had his arms around his girlfriend and their faces were inches apart. I felt like I was intruding, but there was no way I was going back to Liam's room.

"Oh, Logan!" Sarahi said upon noticing me. She slid out of Niall's arms and walked over to me. "How did it go with Liam?"

"Just like I thought it would. He didn't say a word to me even though I spoke from the heart for like the first time."

She pulled me into a hug saying, "oh, I'm sorry."

Maybe this was why I never believed in love or wanted to be in love. It made me feel pathetic and like people were pitying me when things didn't work out.

"It's alright. I should've expected it," I shrugged.

"Well, we should eat before it gets cold. I'll go see if Liam wants to join us," Niall said and walked out of the kitchen.

Sarahi and I took seats at the table. She told me to help myself so I filled my plate with salad and spaghetti. Niall came to the table a few minutes later with Liam in tow, trailing behind him. Liam walked with his head down and took the only open seat, which was next to me. He quietly piled food on his plate.

"So, how's the bar been?" Niall asked, surely trying to make it less awkward.

"It's going pretty well. We're hiring on a new bartender. Her name is Ivy I think. I haven't met her yet, but hopefully she's good."

"Awesome. We'll all have to come by for a drink sometime, right Liam?"

I was thankful that he was trying to include Liam in the conversation, but it was obvious that he wanted to be anywhere else than here. He made a grunting noise that I wasn't sure meant he agreed or that he was angry.

The rest of dinner went by slowly and as soon as we finished, I helped Sarahi clear the table. "Oh, you don't need to help," she said.

"I want to," I said and brought plates to the sink.

While I was rinsing dishes off, I felt someone grip my arm. I turned, trying to get my arm out of their grasp since it was a little too tight.

"Can I talk to you?" Liam asked, his voice in an urgent whisper.

I nodded, unable to form words. He pulled me with him toward his room without giving me a chance to dry off my hands. He slammed his door shut and pushed me up against the wall.

"What a-are you-" he cut me off by slamming his lips on mine. The kiss was familiar and new at the same time. His lips urgently moved with mine as he kept me pinned against the wall. I tangled my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, moaning into the kiss.

I tried to pull away, but it was no use. We were both so into the moment that I wasn't able to process what was going on. His hands found their way to the back of my thighs and I jumped. Liam moved us to his bed and he was hovering over me, pulling my top out from my skirt so he could lift if over my head. I tugged at his t-shirt, wanting it off so I could run my hands down his toned chest.

"You're all I need, Logan. You're my escape," Liam rushed out, placing kisses along my jaw and neck.

I couldn't focus on his words, my brain turning hazy from his kisses. I reached down and unbuttoned his pants, struggling to pull them down. I wasn't sure that I wanted to move this fast with him after professing my feelings. Hell, he hadn't spoken to me until just a minute ago. But I was in such a need for him that I was unable to make a coherent decision.

Liam pulled down my skirt along with my underwear slowly and his gaze drifted along my body. He entered me without warning, kissing me while he thrusted. I moaned out and he began to move faster.

"That was-"

"Unexpected," I finished for him. We were laying on our backs on his bed, not touching at all.

"You're so far away," he murmured. He reached out and tried to pull me closer.

Instead of going into his arms, I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my body. "This was a mistake, Liam. This isn't what I meant by I wanted to be with you. I actually want to be with you. We shouldn't have done this."

Liam sighed loudly, rubbing his face. "Logan, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking but I don't regret this at all. I was just sitting at dinner and thinking about what you said and it hit me. You're all I need Logan. You're what makes me happy. And you just looked so sexy in that skirt combo and I just couldn't resist."

I didn't know what to say. It was daunting, him saying I was all that he needed. I knew I had feelings for him but I didn't know if I was ready for that level of commitment.

"Say something," Liam said, propping himself up on his elbow.

"I think I need to go," I got up and started gathering my clothes.

"Wait, will you please just stay?" he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

"I don't know. What about Niall? And Sarahi?" I didn't want them to think that we had just jumped back in to bed together even though that's basically what we did.

"Don't worry about them. Niall's been trying to get us back for weeks and it's not like Sarahi hasn't stayed the night before."

"Alright, but no more monkey business," I warned. I set my pile of clothes down and climbed back into bed.

"Seriously, Logan? I'm not going to bite," he held his arm open and I let him pull me close to him. "Unless you want me to," he whispered in my ear. This caused me to giggle and I just settled into him. It felt nice, comfortable like it was where I was supposed to be.

alright well wattpad is still being stupid but i hope you enjoy this long chapter(: what do you think of logan adn liam? please vote and comment. xx zoe

all i need // l.p {au}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang