"Mira set a sensor up by the doors, so if I walked through it would sense iron magic and I would be done for and have to go to the stupid fair." Gajeel rolled his eyes "so are you gonna let me in shorty?"

Levy huffed and let him jump into the room. Levy felt slightly woozy after standing up so fast Levy sneezed and went into the kitchen she got some paracetamol and swallowed it.

When she turned Gajeel stood by the door "so what's wrong with you?"

"I have a cold." Levy walked past him and onto the couch.

"Oh." Gajeel patted her head a little too hard "well get better shrimp." His voice sounded actually concerned.

Levy smiled "thank you."

Gajeel looked around and then asked "want me to hang out with you then?" Gajeel looked away "you know because you're alone..."

Levy smiled "sure."

Gajeel plopped himself down next to her "what are you watching?"

"Well I was watching American Horror story and was about to put something else on when you came in." Levy got an idea "oh! How about we watch the Coraline I love that movie!"

Gajeel nodded "uh okay I've not seen that."

"Oh it's great!" 

Gajeel shot up from his seat "I almost forgot! Give me a sec shrimp!" Gajeel then shot out of the room.

"Okay then..." Levy said to herself. Levy went onto her netflix on the TV and got ready to play Coraline.

Levy was beginning to think Gajeel wasn't coming back but then he came back in holding something that Levy couldn't make out.

Gajeel sat back down and handed her the object it was her copy of The Maze Runner she then remembered giving it to him on the way to the airport. Gajeel said "it was pretty good."

Levy smiled she honestly didn't think he would read it but he did. She grinned at him "I have the sequel at home if you want it?"

Gajeel nodded.

Levy pressed play and they sat together watching the movie.


The credits rolled and Levy brought her knees up to her chest "I love that movie!" She turned to Gajeel "what did you think?"

"It was good." Gajeel said casually.

Levy smiled and he smiled back.

Gajeel then asked her something Levy would have never thought she would hear "so Levy I was gonna ask you yesterday. Well... I was wondering if you wanted to go out get food later?"

Levy blinked at him. Was it a date? She was shocked to say the least. Should she say yes or no? Levy did kind of like Gajeel...

Levy nodded "I'd love to."

Gajeel grinned "I'll get you outside your door at 5." He didn't wait for Levy to reply he just walked out saying "see you later shrimp!" Then he left the room leaving Levy gaping.

"I have a date..." Levy whispered.

Levy smiled and laughed.

Just then the door opened and revealed the girls coming back inside.

Lucy spotted Levy smiling in the middle of the room "why are you so happy? Aren't people with cold's supposed to be sad?"

Levy said to them "guys guess what?"

Lucy guessed "did you finish a good book?"

Erza guessed "you ate some strawberry cake?"

Juvia guessed "well you couldn't have gone out and Gajeel didn't come. I think it's something to do with Gajeel?"

Levy nodded "I have a date with Gajeel today."

And then their jaws dropped to the floor.

Mira barreled into the door "my Gajevy sense is tingling!"

Levy face palmed "yes I have a date."

Mira fist pumped the air "yes! Don't mess this up Levy!"

Levy sighed "I won't I won't."

Mira then grinned evilly and twisted her head to Lucy "you know what that means.." Lucy gulped as Mira whispered in her ear "you're next."

Mira then left the room in a flash.

The girls chatted about what will happen at the date and what she should wear and then Levy asked "so how was the renaissance fair?"

"Well..." Erza began.


I decided to do 2 chapters this weekend for you guys because I love you! Also it's my birthday next week so I don't know when I'll have the chance to upload I also have a math test coming up :c.

I hope you liked this chapter! I certainly did! The next one will be what happened at the fair and then the one after that will be Gajeel and Levy's date!

Thank you for 2,800 reads! I love you all!

Please comment and vote!


Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя