“Nope, I sure can’t love. But maybe you really like it and you’re playing hard to get,” he replied in a low tone that would usually draw girls to him. I could feel Ashley nearly falling for him, causing my anger to get the better out of me.

     But no, I didn’t want to cause a scene; not in front of Ashley anyway. Instead, my grip on Ashley’s thigh got tighter; not as tight to hurt her though. I could see Ashley from the corner of my eye glance at me, but I didn’t break my angry concentration from the guy. I glared angrily at him for a few seconds, making sure he got the message to back off. Apparently he didn’t.

    “Or maybe you’re just so full of yourself that you don’t even realize that some people may not want to end up being another one of your ‘one-night stands’. So just piss off, perv,” Ashley snarled, her eyes heating up.

     I loved that look of hers. When she’s all pissed off and mad, her cheeks flush a pale pink and her eyes burn like fire. To anyone else, she looks deadly. But to me? She looked beautiful.

     Again, he seemed taken aback by her response and opened his mouth to say something in return. But that’s when I stepped in. Enough was enough. This guy needed to shut his mouth before I shut it for him.

     “When someone tells you to stop staring at them, you do as they say,” I said coldly, looking the a-hole straight in the eye.

     He opened his mouth to tell me off, but this time Jeremy cut him off. The guy looked thoroughly pissed for everyone interrupting him, making a tiny smirk appear on my face. I could feel Ashley shaking next to me. I looked over and saw a hand clamped to her mouth, her shoulders shaking. I knew she was trying hard not to laugh.

     “Just let it go, Aiden,” Jeremy muttered, staring at the road in front of him. “Whatever,” Aiden replied, rolling his eyes.

     I looked back at Ashley and saw doubt and worry on her face. She was staring down at her dress wonderingly. I knew what she was thinking. Whether or not she was dressed appropriately or like a roadside prostitute. Who was she kidding?! Of course she was dressed appropriately! She could wear a garbage bag and still manage to look hot.

     My hand slid from her thigh to her hand that was placed on her lap. I gave it a tiny squeeze and offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry Lee, you look great,” I whispered, tucking a curl of her black hair behind her ear.

     What Ashley did to herself was amazing. She curled her hair which fell in small ringlets down her back. She clipped her bangs out of her face, giving me a full view of her beautiful face that would have usually been hidden. Her makeup wasn’t too much or too little. She managed to pull it off rather well.

     She blushed and looked back out the window, her head resting against it. Pretty soon, she fell in a light sleep, her eyelashes fluttering. I watched her in amazement which was probably pretty creepy. She just made me feel lost in her beauty.

     I could feel someone staring at me, and I looked in that direction. Aiden was looking at me in watchful knowing eyes. I gave him a questioning look and he returned it with a sheepish smile. “She yours?” he asked.

     “Something like that,” I replied, glancing back at Ashley’s peaceful face. “Aw shit. Sorry for hitting on her, man. I didn’t know she was taken. It’s not me to hit on girls that are taken. It’s a douche move. Sorry,”” he said guiltily.

     “Not a problem,” I muttered, staring out the window. Wow, did not expect that.

     “You know, if I were you, I wouldn’t take her to a party like this. Mandy’s guy friends are a little…wild. As in, they drink till they’re literally blacked out on the floor. And a pretty girl like Ashley, she could get…hurt easily,” Aiden said.

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