~ Strange ~ {an extra side story}

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~sorry y'all Dani and I (c bear) have been really busy with college stuff and theatre stuff and life stuff, and the next chapter, aka the finally, is going to be a rather LONG CHAPTER and it's taking a while cuz we want it to be a good wholesome ending for y'all so to help hold you over till then here are a few extra behind the scene stories ENJOY!~

Allura's prov

"Excuse me."
I feel a tap on my shoulder and without hesitation I flip my gaze to meet whoever was trying to get my attention.
"Yes how may I help you- OH MY GOODNESS MY APOLOGIES! How may I be of assistance your majesty!"

It was king Shiro of all people to sneak up on me, and of course I had to be zoned out when he was trying to talk to me!

"Oh I'm very sorry I frightened you, do you have a moment?"

"Oh of course anything for you your highness!"
I reply with a hyper tone.

"Oh you don't have to call me your highness just call me shiro, and your name?"

"I'm Allura, is there anything I could do for you your high- I-I mean shiro."

King shiro giggles and says

"The new prisoner, you should know him right?"

"Lotor? Oh yes."

"There is a maid assigned to every prisoner, I'm sure your aware, they may be prisoners, but their still humans and need food, bathing and someone to talk to. Some think it's foolish of me to do so, but I hate to think any human would be put in a box of a room and never talk to someone ever again."
He takes a breath and continues
"I've heard lovely things about you and would love to assign Lotor to you. Is that all right?"


I stutter.
The king wants me to care for the man who put his husband in a coma and almost killed his son and daughter in-law, should I really do this request? I mean he is the king, so do I really have a choice?
I think this to myself, take a deep breathe and answer.

"As you wish."
I say with a bow of my head.

"Oh thank you so much!"

The king takes me hands into his own.

"I wish you the best of luck Allura!"

And with that the kind hearted king rushed off and I was now heading to the cell belonging to Lotor.

Lotor's prov


As I listen to the small creaks of cell doors, the dripping water falling off of dewy brick walls and the scampering feet of mice, I'm left alone in a cold cell with only a chair, wooden bed and my thoughts.


I say out loud to myself.

"If it weren't for you would I have turned out different?"

I ask to the air.


"Excuse me"

My ears perk up to the noise of a feminine voice.

"Yes hello?"
I reply a little startled.

"Who's there?"
I ask

"Oh I'm sorry!"
The feminine voice says.
I hear her come nearer and what comes into my view, catches me off guard. A beautiful dark skin, white haired maid with the prettiest eyes I've ever seen walks right in front of my cell.

"I didn't mean to startle you, Ive been assigned to take care of you. My name is Allura nice to meet you."
The maid says in a perky tone.
No one has ever talked to me like that. People always seem so afraid to approach me let alone talk to me, yet here's this maid, who doesn't look to have an ounce of fear towards me. Strange.

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