What now? Chapter 10

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Soo hey! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Lance's Prov.

"I can't believe this happened." I heard myself say.

I was pacing around in my room the guards are everywhere still on the look for the person responsible for stabbing my father.


"What am I going to tell her?"

"How am I going to tell her?"

Shiro told me that we are going to be having a small wedding in a week, but a real wedding much later.

"She's going to kill me." was the only thought that crossed my head.

"Does she even know yet?"

"Lance?" I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey Keith come in."

Keith walked in with a concerned look cast upon his face Matt was not with him he was probably with Pidge.

"I'm so sorry Lance." He told he as he pulled me in for a hug.

"W-what am I going to do Keith? I'm not ready to rule a kingdom, Pidge is going to freakout, and my father may never wake up." I felt my eyes starting to burn.

"I know Lance it's ok Pidge will help you and so will I, your not alone in this."

Keith let go, and starred back into my eyes waiting for an answer.

"Thanks Keith, does Pidge know?"

"I don't think she does yet, Matt went to go be with her, she knows about Adam, but not about the wedding." He informed me.

"Good, I want to tell her."

"You want me to plan a funeral for you?" Keith said with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

"Haha maybe, I don't want to be a coward about this." I told Keith.

"I think she will appreciate it."

"Yeah hopefully." I let my eyes wonder off again.

"But what if he doesn't?"

"Don't worry about Matt, I'll be sure to keep him in check." I heard Keith say.

"Yeah you will."

"Excuse me?"

Keith and I talked for a while before he left to stand guard outside my door, but as far as I know the threat is no longer a concern.

"I should tell Pidge she deserves to know." I asked to be escorted to her, as I was walked I repeated what I was going to say to her in my head.

"Miss Pidge? Lance is here to see you."

"Oh ok come in." I heard a small voice say.

She was alone in her room, and was starring at me with a sympathetic gaze.

"Lance." she slowly made her way over to me.

"I'm so sorry about your dad, are you doing any better?"

She's worried about me?

"As good as I can be, you aren't too scared are you? They should be guarding your door day and, night from now on."

"I'm fine."

The room fell into silence as I awkwardly looked around the room.

"Lance is something else going on?" She asked.

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