Library Lockdown chapter 4

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Lance's Prov.

After I sent people home I couldn't stop thinking about Pidge and how she talked about her family, no one else I danced with talked about family they only complimented me which, I welcome but, she's so different.

I have a meeting with my parents today I'm pretty sure they would like to share which girls and boys they like, I wonder what they think about Pidge? I wonder what Pidge thinks about me? Who am I kidding she's probably falling for me, but who could blame her?

After I had breakfast in bed and, changed I was escorted to my parents meeting room, contrary to what people think no they don't sit on their royal throwns all day.

"Lance come sit, how was breakfast?" Adam asked.

"Good morning Lance." Shiro said with a smile.

"Sup Dad one hey Dad two!" I said while pointing at both of them with finger guns they roll their eyes but, I know they love it.

"So did you enjoy yourself at the ball?" Shiro asked me.

"Yeah! Plaxium was fun, and then Pidge is slowly starting to fall for me I know it!"

They both looked at each other with a smile

"So why do you like Plaxium?" Adam asked.

"She's kind, so beautiful and loves the ocean."

"And Pidge?" Asked Shiro.

"She's... different so different from any girl I've meet, she actually didn't want to dance with me because I treated her friend wrongly haha my bad. She has the cutest laugh though and her eyes and.."

I looked up Shiro and Adam were both looking at me with smirks plastered on their faces.

"She sounds great Lance." Shiro told me.

"So It's between those two?" Adam asked me

"I'm not completely sure yet there are others who, are on my list." I told them

"You know Lance there's only fifteen people left." Adam said while looking toward Shiro.

"Oh? I sent that many away? haha I didn't notice!"

Wait fifteen people? I sent home eighteen people?

"We are having a dinner tonight to get to know everyone a little bit better." Shiro told me.

"Sounds good to me! Oh hey do me a favor can you put Pidge next to me? And, Plaxium on the other side?" I asked while pulling a pouty face.

"Of course Lance anything else?" Adam asked me.

"Hmm nope thats all!"


Keiths's Prov.

I decided to check on Pidge since Matt asked me to look out for her.

"Pidge its Keith can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"Yeah come on in."

I walked in to find paper so much paper everywhere on the bed all over the floor and, Pidge in the middle of it all.

"Did a hurricane come in here this morning?" I said while holding back a laugh.

"Very funny Keith so original." She told me.

"I try Pidge at least show a little appreciation." I told her while making my way over to the paper pile.

She put her pen down and started slow clapping.

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