The Playboy Prince and the Independent Pauper chapter 1

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"Keith can I talk to you for a moment?" Shiro asked Keith.

"Of course, my king whats troubling you?" Keith replied.

"Its our son Lance you see he's at that age were he needs to be looking for a permanent relationship." Shiro told Keith while looking toward Adam for help

"Lance is known to be quite the ladys man, and well sneaking away with some of the maids and servants." Adam explained while holding Shiro's hand.

Keiths eyes widen and clears his throat before speaking.

"Yes I'm well aware." Keith says with a role of his eyes

"Yes well it won't be that way for long, because he can't make a decision, we are going to be helping him out." Shiro said with a smile

"What are you proposing?" Keith asked.

"We have just sent out the royal guard along with several knights to pick out young suiters for loverboy Lance." Adam explained.

"I don't know how he's going to handle this haha." Keith nervously laughted while planning on how to tell Lance.

@ lance's room's door

"Lance can I come in?" Keith knocked on the door while slowly opening it.

Lance was still asleep sprawled out across the bed still in his clothes from the day before.

Keith walks over to the bed and taps Lance's shoulder nugging him awake.

"Huh plaxium?" The prince mumbles.

"Think again dummy." Keith spits out at Lance.

"Oh hey mullet what time is it?" Lance tiredly asked.

"1:00 in the afternoon." Keith said with a laugh.

"WHAT? why didn't someone wake me up?" Lance asked while removing the covers from his bed.

"Umm there was a lot of noise coming from here pretty umm late last night." keith told him while scratching his neck with a hint of embarrassment.

"oh OH! haha whoops my bad!" Lance said while pushing Keith to the door trying to avoid explaining what produced the 'strange' ;) noises seeping from his room last night.

"Lets go get Lunch!" Lance exclaimed while dragging Keith behind him.

"Wait Lance theres something I was instructed to tell you about."

"huh oh shit is this about last week?" Lance said stopping all movement still holding onto Keith's hand.

Keiths face went red remembering last week's intimate events and moved back

"No! haha not at all I mean wait kinda?" Keith said.

"Spit it out mullet!" Lance said while crossing his arms.

"You're getting married!" Keith stated not wanting to draw it out.

"what the hell? What do my dads think about this?"

"Who do you think arranged this?" Keith told him

"I- I honestly don't know what to say. I'm not surprised."

"So you're ok with this?" Keith asked

"I guess? Who's the lucky one who gets to be with me?" Lance stated while putting on his same flirty personality.

"You get to pick apparently from a selection of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes." Keith told him.

"Oh ok sweet I guess at least I have some say in this they all must be super excited, I mean who wouldn't be?"

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