I feel the same way~

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Pidge's prov

"Excuse me what?!"

To say Shiro was angry would be an understatement at this point

"You guys didn't think to tell me this last night?! are you both insane?" He was yelling at mainly Lance.

"I umm." Lance turned his head to me as if asking for help.

"Sorry Shiro we were both tired, and in shock about what had happened." I explained.

  "I can't believe this, others could be getting hurt now I have to send half of our best fighters out to look for that piece of shit."

If Lance had been drinking water I swear he would have chocked on it.

  "Well I'm unhappy with both of you, but I'm glad your both safe." He wasn't smiling, but hey I'll take it.

"Both of you need to go to the nurses office and please tell me straight away if something else happens, got it?" He gave us both a stern look.

"Of course Shiro." I replied for both of us.

"Thank you Pidge." He told me, and left swiftly after that.

   "So you heard the man, lets get going." I told Lance.

   The rest of the day was crazy to say the least, guards were running around like crazy trying to look for Lotor, Matt and Keith included. As for Lance and I we were both basically on house arrest locked in a room with guards posted outside our bedroom.

   "I spy with my little eye something blue." Lance says.

  "The sky." I replied.

"How are you so good at this."

"Oh I don't know Lance maybe its because you picked the sky!" I teased.

"What's your point?" He asked smiling.

"Whatever dork." I told him slightly shoving him.

"So do you think they found him yet?" Lance asked me.

"I don't know Lance I hope so." I told him while letting my head rest on the pillow I was holding.

"I'm still pretty shaken up." He told me.

"well duh we won't just get over it, what is this a fan fiction?" I replied.

"Yeah I guess, but I was pretty sure I was going to lose you for a second."

"Same here Lance, but look we are both here and mostly ok!" I laughed at my own comment.

"yeah but it was my fault you ran off If I didn't kiss you it wouldn't have happened."

  Thats why he's been acting weird he thinks this is his fault!

"Wait you think this was your fault? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well a lot has been going on so I kinda just repressed it?." He explained.

"Ok but Lance this wasn't your fault I was just shocked so I ran." I told him.

"I still caused it, I'm sorry Pidge." He told me while placing a hand on my arm.

"I forgive you, but Lotor being a dick wasn't your fault." I smiled at him.

"haha I can always count on you for ruining a moment Pidgeon!"

"Your welcome Lance." I said in a soft voice that had me shocked as well as Lance.

For a second I saw something change in Lance, I stare I've never seen, I wanted to look away and go back to joking, but I didn't, I couldn't.

  "I thought I was going to lose you." He told me, while taking my hand.

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