Chapter 6

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Valeria's P.O.V.

Now that Larius agreed to the plan, we just had to iron out the details. He was very hesitant about the plan. I could feel his anxiety about it through our permanent mind-link. Tough luck!

I inform him, "I need to have enough dragons with me to prove a point, but not too many to be a threat. I was thinking six, that's enough to take on the Court."

Larius shakes his head, "I am not letting you leave with less than fifteen dragons."

I roll my eyes, "Larius, you are exaggerating. With that many, I am a threat. 8 dragons and more can follow if we get a treaty."

Cygun puts her clawed hand on Larius' shoulder and Yvy gave him a look. He slumps down, clearly defeated by the three women in his life, siding against him.

Larius sighs, "Fine, eight dragons."

I smile, "I want Sonya, the humans will be impressed with her beauty. You pick the others."

Yvy intervenes, "I still want to come."

Cygun shook her head, "No, you are a Royal dragon and too important."

Yvy pouted as only a dragon can, "Fine!"

Larius offered, "Three of our strongest dragons and our three fastest with Sonya. They will all report to you. Good enough to fight or to take flight."

I nod, "Good for me. What about the last one?"

Cygun adds, "I think that Darat should go. He is technically the dragon diplomat. He can help you, Val, navigate the treacherous world of the humans."

Yvy comments, "I like that idea. He also looks scary with his dark green scales."

"Have reached an accord?" I ask.

Cygun chuckled, "You are going to be good at this whole diplomat thing. You always have had a way with words."

I laugh along with her, "I think that I will be lucky not to get myself killed."

Larius looked at me sternly, "You will be doing no dying, missy."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever you say, old man."

"Hey!" yells Larius indignant, "I am not old!"

Yvy looked at him, "Dad, I hate to break it to you, but you are old."

I chuckle, "You have been alive too long and have lost all sense of time."

Larius turns his nose at us, "No need to be rude."

"I need to know more about the human world if I want to be able to negotiate with them," I say.

Cygun agrees, "Yes, Larius is always kept to date about the current events of the human kingdom as a precaution. Yvy and I will go inform the dragons we chose of their mission. You talk." They leave and take off towards the different caves to inform them.

I turn to my pseudo-father, "Tell me all you know."

He starts, "Well, as you know, there is a High King and regular Kings. The High King is the King of the most powerful country. The current one is called High King Dromio. He has a harem of women and takes wives as soon as the last one dies. His heir is named Barnardo. He is 20 years old and is unmarried. His other legitimate sons are Francisco aged 18, Adriano aged 16, and Costard aged 15. He has two legitimate daughters who are Portia aged 16 and betrothed to another King, Rosaline aged 15. He has many bastard children who are always trying to win his favor. You have to watch out for them."

I interrupt, "Why?"

Larius explains, "If they become dragon riders like you or even marry you, they will gain the High King's favor and they crave that. You have to watch your back with them. The second most powerful King under High King Dromio is King Angus. The other Kings won't be at Court, so you won't have to deal with them. High King Dromio has no second-in-command, his most trusted man is his Steward Malcolm."

I nod in understanding, "Ok, but what is Court?"

Larius offers me a seat on his shoulder which I take, "Well, Court is where all the lords and ladies come to attempt to gain the High King's favor. It is a very cutthroat place. Promises mean nothing. I believe that there will be attempts on your life. Unless you have solid proof, you are just going to have to be careful. I am also sure that the High King Dromio will test you, may even try to kill you." 

I scowl, "Humans are vile creatures."

Larius gives me a look, "You are human."

I whine, "But I wasn't raised among humans, so it is not the same thing."

He resumes walking and explaining, "You can be blunt as you need to, Val. Introduce yourself as Valeria DragonRider, it will confuse them. They need us right now more than we need them. You can flaunt your originality, but be careful. Always walk armed! You have the knives, bow and arrow among other things. You are lethal with those."

I scrunch up my nose, "Will I have to dress like other women?"

Larius laughs, "No, you don't have to wear a dress. Wear your usual clothes. It will be fun to see the humans caught off guard. Be yourself and speak of your past. Make the kings and nobles feel bad. Play it by ear and Darat will help you. Remember that we will all be in your head with the mind-link."

"I understand," I say.

He adds when he is pacing, "Don't believe anything that anyone says. The bastard princes or even the legitimate ones will seek your hand in mariage to build the treaty. Don't trust them. Be paranoid. It is not paranoia if someone is actually out to get you."

"When do we leave?" I ask.

Larius answers, "As soon as the dragons are ready."

I complain, "It is going to be weird to have people talk to me using their mouths."

Larius chuckles a little, "You will get used to it. One last thing, we know that you have some magic. Don't let anyone know unless it is in dire circumstances."

"Okay, I am going to go pack," I tell him.

"Wait!" says Larius, "Another thing is that humans are under the impression at least in high society that if a man takes a lady's innocence, they are forced to marry. If someone does that to you, kill him or tell us and we'll kill him."

I smile, "Ok, Larry."

He groans, "Don't call me that."

I giggle, "It is so fun to see your reaction."

Larius rolls his eyes, "Go pack."

I do just that. I get changed and pack a small pack for my journey. It was going to be interesting 


Word Count : 1106

I am sorry for going AWOL for a while, but here is a new update. 

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