Chapter 1

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I am going to write in a omniscient point of vue. I will describe all the thoughts, feelings of someone in third person. This might change later on.

The Flashbacks will be in italics and her thoughts in bold/italics


Valeria ran through the forest, hoping to leave her abusers behind. They were older thus bigger and were gaining on her. Her half-starved state did not help it either. 

Valeria was determined to escape them. She would not have a repeat of what happened last time she got caught.


Valeria had been accused of stealing bread from the village elder's house. 

She denied it of course and she hadn't. But no one listens to the orphaned girl.

To the villagers, her very existence was a mistake. She never knew her mother, but the villagers told her that she sold herself to men. That she had so many lovers that no one knew who my father was and no one would ever claim her.

The village elder had sent his bullies to her hut, you can barely call it that due to the fact it was falling apart. Not knowing what to do, Valeria ran.

Before even taking three steps, they caught her. They tied her up and brought her to the village square. 

She was threw to the ground to receive her punishment. No one but her in the village was punished this way. At only 7 3/4 years old, Valeria did not understand why everyone hated her. 

The only person who cared for her was Grandma Ellie, the village crazy lady. She had died the day before her 7th birthday. It was then the abuse got worst without Grandma Ellie to protect her.

Helpless, the village elder gave her ten lashes from the whip. He was not gentle even in his old age. If Valeria had not been used to pain, she would have passed out. 

But she was. In fact, this was her third whipping this month. Everyone always jeered at her and no one helped her. She took her lashes

Then, to make it worse, the village elder announced, "She tried to run from her punishment for three minutes. In exchange for that, you will have three minutes to throw rocks and whatever you want at her."

That is exactly what the villagers did with no remorse. Though at the time, Valeria did not know this, but it could have been worse. Lately some of the men have been looking at Valeria sideways. It appeared that they would have enjoyed raping a helpless girl. 

Three minutes later, she was covered in cuts and bruises. Valeria was also heavily bleeding. Everyone dispersed after untying her. From lack of strength, Valeria collapsed where she stood.

When she next woke, she was back in her hut, all bandaged. She never found out who did her the kindness, but it was best this way. Whoever helped her could have gotten punished for it.

She was determined never to be in such a situation again.

*Flashback over*

But here Valeria was, running from them as usual. She had been practicing her running and now could hold her own.

She had a small hidden cave behind the waterfall where she could hide until they forgot about her. Valeria just had to reach it before they caught up with her or saw her enter the cave. 

Behind her, her abusers were yelling, "There is no where you can hide, Valeria! No one wants you! Come back here right now! Listen to your betters!"

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